Praying for more mercy

9 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurudeva,
Pleas accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Guru Parampara.
All glories to this Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtana Movement!!!
All glories to my spiritual master, a bonafide succesor of the Guru Parampara.

Constantly i remember how blessed i was to have been able to serve you in Bolivia's festival at Mathuresh prabhu's hose. Every time that remembrance come into my mind i feel like if it was yesterday that i heard the bhagavata philosophy from your own lips. I just find myself unable to thank you for so much mercy.
As you asked me and Sri Radha D.D. we went to another astrologer and he asked us to wait until November for attempting to marring because of some planets of me. For us it's ok, we still have so much things to work on our own consciousness, even though, we are very happy together.

Gurudeva, i also spoke to you about Queretaro's preaching center project, now i live in Queretaro city and next week i will sign the contract for the house we all (the devotees we are traning from the city) are going to rent for that purport. Im very happy Krsna is allowing me to do this wonderfull service. Yesterday ISKCON Queretaro participated into a local economy festival at the main plaza and even though i could not be there (because i came to my brother's wedding) devotees from Cueramaro helped us by going there and support with BBT table and also kirtan in the scenario. The congregation in Queretaro is very happy and thankfull towards Srila Prabhupada, they are very eager to expand this movement all over the city.

The last thing i want to thank you for, is all the inspiration i recieve every day through your words, acts and desires of pleasing Srila Prabhupada. As a result of that inspiration, now i engaged into a project of translating all the information from such as video-documentaries, video-interviews, written interviews and written news, so that the spanish speaker devotees can benefit by participating at that very wonderfull project in Sri Mayapur-Dhama. I have to admit that i'm very surprised of Krsna's ways... I started this all alone last month, translating the raising moon video, it took me the whole month, but suddently when i started to post it into Facebook and also admin a new FB page with the news and so on, more and more devotees started to ask: What can i do to help more devotees get benefited?.

My heart is completely thankfull to you Gurudeva, for allowing me to participate into this transcendental pastime of Lord Gauranga manifest in this material world.

Your Forever aspirant servant,
Krishna-kirtana Dasa.

HpS - ASA ---   AGTSP. paoho.

Thank you so much for the news!!!   We hope to visit Bolivia again.

 There are some highly qualified persons who accept only the good qualities of others. Just as a bee is always interested in the honey in the flower and does not consider the thorns and colors, highly qualified persons, who are uncommon, accept only the good qualities of others, not considering their bad qualities, whereas the common man can judge what are good qualities and what are bad qualities.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.4.12  .....   PURPORT: ...

There are some highly qualified persons who accept only the good qualities of others. Just as a bee is always interested in the honey in the flower and does not consider the thorns and colors, highly qualified persons, who are uncommon, accept only the good qualities of others, not considering their bad qualities, whereas the common man can judge what are good qualities and what are bad qualities.

Among the uncommonly good souls there are still gradations, and the best good soul is one who accepts an insignificant asset of a person and magnifies that good quality.

Even greater are those who see the BAD qualities of others as good qualities. 

Cuando va en Hari-nama Sankirtana siempre lleva banderas colorosos. Incluya dramas simples pero con mucho entusiasmo en su predica.

Mas noticias. Estamos siguendo sus pasos.