New adventures in bhurloka

9 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved and Esteemed Gurudeva!!!!

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

New adventures in bhurloka!!

 I feel that I have advanced, I was in patala loka but now in bhur loka. Of course Krishna in BG 8.15 describes this place as duḥkhālayam aśāśvatam and again in BG 9.33 he describes it as anityam asukhaṁ lokam, SP in the purport to this verse says "this world is temporary and full of miseries, not habitable for any sane gentleman." This is the perspective i always look to observe my life. I'm always tired, i feel like i dont have time to rest, but also i realize that most of the time I'm happy, thank you and SP,


Reentering grihastha asram with CMDD brought a new perspective in my life. Again i realized that is not easy, nor a solution but a shelter to advance spiritualy. Fortunately i really feel like that. My mind is a little bit more focused and the willing to make devotional service has increased. I feel honestly that I am where i supose to be. She gets along really well with manu and benji. And we are getting to know each other little by little in a cooperation mood.

Having your association is the biggest fortune i have in my life, I can see what a great personality you are gurudeva. Your good qualities are unlimited, wherever you are you look like a diamond between glass. Lately i have been participating in japa joe program and watching you via mayapur tv. Thank you gurudeva because your instructions are so clear, you set such a high standard example.You push me to reach to that state of conciousness. There is no limit to your Siksa!!!

Every two weeks i go to a radio show to speak about ayurveda, it is very popular, and one time i was there with a very famous doctor, Facundo Manes, he is a neurosurgeon, he operated the president of argentina Cristina Kirchner, he is the rector of a very renowned university and a neuroscientist as well. Now he wants to research about in which part of the brain God's idea is created. Anyway he wrote a book which is a best seller, he speaks about the brain and how to make it healthy. So he was making all these descripions about the brain and i realized he had no information about the mind so he couldnt explain things such as lust or violence from a biological point of view. Then after his interview i spoke with him and i told him, that he seemed to be an extremely clever man but he was too focused on the tree so he was losing perspective of the forest. And he humbly replied "yes you are right, what can i do to change this" and i suggested to research about the mind in works such as Bhagavad Gita As it is and  Carl Jung and the Philemon Foundation. Then i thought how great would be to have a book about the work you are doing in this field to preach to this kind of people.

Unfortunately i have to tell you that my sadhana is not as good as yours by a huge distance, but still i'm struggling to put it as first one priority. Actually most of the time i finish my rounds before going to bed or the next day sometimes. 

We are working this out with CMDD and making strategies to establish a strong FMP and increase the quality of our Japa.

On the other hand i sense I'm making big progress in the auto realization field. I'm observing with atention my feelings and the motto [motives] of my actions. So this allow me to go a little deeper in the process and not just a mechanical repetition.

i love ISKCON life Gurudeva!! 

Thank you for make it very clear to me,

Struggling to become your servant,

At your lotus feet,

Nikunja Bihari Das. 

HpS - ASA - Jaya. AGTSP. Paoho. The first result of devotional service is freedom from suffering. Then things becomr harmonious, auspicious, then . .  .    Very nice news.   We don't give all our strength to chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds because we haven't realized that it will improve all of our efforts, satisfy all of our desires in the most efficient way. As we put them first, then we willl realize the importance of the Japa Vrata and do it with more and more and more strength.