Hare Krisna from Luton

9 years, 11 months ago by sriradhedd in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Happy to hear that you fixed your European trip's date.

There will be lot of programs here in the UK in May but between 13 -15 we can travel to somewhere and we would be happy if we could see/listen to You. What about your Spanish trip? Will you go first to Barcelona or to Madrid?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. I think you can see that in the other letters. Seems we land in Madrid on the 13th and should stay there until Friday when we go to Italy, Piza.

When we com back on Munday, we have to decide.

In the Kapi Dhvaja you mentioned that you needed help with the inside European tickets.

Just let us know how can we help you, Maharaja!

HpS - ASA - You already did!  We will buy the tickets you suggested.

Thanks for your association.

I wish you all the best!

Your servant, Sri Radhe devi dasi

HpS - ASA -- Hey, that's all the news???    What's happening with your good husband, temple, sastra, sankirtan, the world as you see it, Sister Ass?