News from Calgary

9 years, 12 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It has been a long time since I have written and I apologize. My life has been a little busier recently. Many things are happening. One of them of course is the new baby we are waiting for.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!  Yessss. . . . no news is no breath for us!!  Six new babies is even better!

I briefly mentioned it in my annual report but I wanted to officially send it in a blog letter. I meant to let you know as soon as we found out but I was having a hard time emotionally trying to adjust to the pregnancy. Now we are very happy and excited. The baby will be a boy and is due in May.

ASA - Maybe he will be something fine like a gorrilla!

We ask for your blessings for the child to be a great devotee of Gaura Nitai.

ASA - O.K. A Rama-gorilla!

Also we got a chance to visit you in Seattle last August ( this is how long I have been waiting to write :) ). I wasn't sure if you recognized us but you gave our little girl your maha garland. It was on the night you showed the video on the Ratha Yatra. It was very nice. I got a chance to meet my godsister Kamagayatri dasi and her son Aja. I have only met two godbrothers so far: her and Jiva Goswami in Huston when I visited you. I wish I could meet more.

ASA - My God!  And you never introduced your selves!!!!!!

My husband Yogendra is busy studying to get his BEd. He wants to teach in elementary schools. Currently he is in his second semester at the university and this is another reason why life is a little busy for me as he is busy himself doing his school work assignments and such.

    ASA - Don't give up! Can be a very useful diploma!!!!

As far as sadhana I am following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds- although that might change again when baby comes, regarding japa of course. Just wanted to write. I was hankering for your association. I hope you are well. Your aspiring servant, Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - ASA -  Thank you very much . . .   and  . . . how is the Yatra, President, your parents???  Nice picture!!! The Divine Family... <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />