DTC Su(22)

10 years ago by hps in DTC

5.30PM - Sunset in the Boro. Is a depressing [Tama-guna] time. Best to run to the altar, Chant Japa, Gayatri, then 24-minutes [one Danda] after sunset, Sandhya (Gaura (Sundara)) Arati. (With Dan Sing for Krsna).

We just answered letters up to 5-days ago. Should catch-up more tommorrow! No URGENT letters.

Today, Sunday, 22nd February, we feel back to normal. [Of course, normal for 67-year old American Ass is different than 35-year old Mumbai Ass].
Ice storms [40-degress F. below freezing] appear to be finished and the autos are moving normally 
outside our window on Medical Center Parkway.

We have had such comfortable three days at NGD Ashrama. Of course, that is also dangerous, a Sannyasi becomming attached to the comforts of family life.

Now we are alone with Monkey-Piggy, Prahlada, Hanuman, Japa-Beads, Lord Nrsmha-deva and you, but ... your future is bright... Gaura-arati and then some Sadhu-sanga by phone with Visnu-carana Das here and finally Krsna book and hot milk.

Drink Enough Water. Breath Enough Air (Kirtana).

Our Plans for Sankirtan (now that our Donkey and Village are habitable) are just the same:

1) Who am I?     What are our responsibilities to Srila Prabhupada?

2) Who are we? Who do we know who has some grasp of their own on #1 above? We talk to them and with them make ...

3) Plans, calendar etc.

4) Acquire tools, cars, dogs, pencils, nations...

>>>------> Gayatri.. <img alt="blush" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png" title="blush" width="23" />

Sadhu sanga, sadhu sanga, sarva sastre kaya,
Lavan matra, sadhu sanga, sarva siddhi hai!!