DTC Tu(17)

10 years ago by hps in DTC


paoho & bw.
5.42PM, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Sunset is at 5.30PM, but you sure can't see it. It has been so cold here that we can't even drive over to NGD house. We went yesterday evening and it took us 10-minutes to get the ice off so we coulds open the door and start the motor, heater. Then another 20-minutes of breaking the rest of the ice off so we could drive.

It was dark.

It was quiet.

It was spooky!    Only a few other cars on the road and had to travel really, really slow on the icey roads. Today was about the same. Sun came out for some time and began to melt stuff. Tommorrow night it is supposed to be -20 degreed Farenheit, or -25 C!    Good, God!   What will happen then. At -30 C your spit freezes in the air and exposed flesh freezes in like 90-seconds.

Oooof.  Our little cave in the mobile home is stay warm with one electric heater and we got another in the bathroom. For cooking we have to put on shoes and a jacket and move rather fast. So far no water pipes have broken.

This is not normal. In Boston it is worse. Kill cows get killed.

Our body is still exhausted. We try to do light work but after 6-days our liver still seems 65% depleted. If we even think about eating p-nut butter we feel an intense pain in our waiste etc.

Our heart is happy. How about you.

Now we are just sleeping, but we did a lot of work today: 1-hour 40-minutes on Skype with Rama-giridhari Das. All very useful. Then 30-minutes with Abhirama Das, also super. Eduardo G. and his wife Gida have agreed to try writing a book together, alternating chapters. He was president of the psychiatric society of Peru etc.

Hare Krsna. We can't write this. Krsna gives fantastic suggestions.

15-minutes with everyone's old friend Visala Das. He's 77-tomorrow. Tonight is Siva-ratri. Gana-gamya Das left his body in Delhi. Has a great wife, son, was the chief designer for the Dehli animated museum. 15-minutes with Nandulal from Houston. 10-minutes with NGD and Abhiseka.

Now it is 5.55PM and the sky is closing in. The last cars scurry for the shelter of their garages, only about 10% of normal traffic by our front window today, no commercial traffic, NO AMBULANCES (usually about 14/day).

We read about Lal Bahudar Sastri, second Prime Minister of India, after Nehru and Miguel Cervantes. Of a recent survey of world classical literature by about 75-writers/scholars from 54 countries the Ramayan and Mahabharata were in the top one. They listed them alphabetically by author without rating any as 25th, 26th, 27th etc. but they did note that Don Quixote got 50% more votes than any other book on the list.

Take a look at the winners to see why they win. Use their success for Nanda-gopal and all of his little friends.

We also reviewes Monkey/Piggy's Trash writings from 1,000 - 10,000. They seemed quite amazing.

Monkey / Piggy - HpS, you a work'n fool!!!!!   You call this light work????

O.K. 6.02, then letter is off just for you? How is Laksmana, Candra-munkhi's in Spain? Dandva and Jayanta were in Mangala arati, gave great pleasure to our briain. Jagad Guru, BVD + Sananda, Mitravinda and more. To quote Carl Jung, the psychologist has to be very careful of all the emotional dependence and adoration of his patients. He has to be who he is. An instrument of the Real Doctor. We worse devotees than any of our readers and by your mercy we can contribute a little bit to Srila Prabhupada's movement.