HARE Krishna Hare Rama

Hare Krishna dear maharaja,

Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

How is your health?

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. Paoho. The temperature right now, 3.32PM, Sunday, 15 February, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is -3 celsius. Our cottage is not well heated so that puts a lot of stree on our body and it is hard to offer and honor Prasadam properly. So, our health is pretty good. Recovering from the stress of our South American travel, but still 30% weak from that.
We have already got a LOT of work done here.
Because we could not eat so properly we ate too much salad and so we feel like our stomach is going to explode. Prabhupada had the same problems. Sometimes he would vomit from improper Prasadam, but like him we do our best in this crazy material world and use whatever health we have for Sankirtan.

I was in Mar del Plata with my guru maharaja when you were here. Anyway I could take some association from you for two days. Better than nothing. Hope you come soon again! Thank you again for bring the camera and please forgive us to all the issues that you had because of that. 

I’m still learning how is it work. Anyway I filmed a looooooot of videos! 

Well about my sadhana, I’m trying to improve it again and learning “the art of delegate service”.

Reading “Teaching of Lord Caitanya” and some verses of BG or SB every day.  I really needed to read because I really enjoy it a lot!!! 

I feel very strong keeping 4 principles strictly and chanting 16 rounds, trying to focus more in Krishna and if he wants I will go to Mayapur at the end of this year. H.G. Mahatma wants me there to help him with service and I want to study also. What do you think? 

HpS - Very nice! Is Mahatma Prabhu in Vanaprastha or Ghrastha ashrama???  What is name of his esteemed wife?

Well now that I know you said: “"No existen preguntas tontas, hay tontos que no preguntan”. I will ask some questions! ha!

I was thinking about my ashram also.. It’s a new kind of ashram: “The hidden ashram of the West” ja! it’s like bramacarini but outside the temple. How Prabhupada would see it?  What would he think about it? It’s right or wrong?  I remember when you said me: "now you can understand that attraction to opposite sex for sense gratification described in flowery language is "a real drag” I get it and If association with somebody means "don’t following principles", I really don’t want to do it and I’m sure and decided about it. So what lies ahead for me in the future? For now I have the shelter of my spiritual father but he is India. Maybe I have to learn self-defense!

HpS - That is why I asked the above question about Mahatma Prabhus Ashrama. If you want to clarify your Ashrama then obviously you have to know your Guru's ahsrama status.

Related with this, how can we preach to new men in order to get them near to Krishna Consciousness without generate confusion in them? Because sometimes it becomes uncomfortable to me. I don’t want to be so serious because I’m preaching love through teachings of Lord Caitanya, but I’m not so loving because of that and sometimes I feel that I’m very impolite. So I don’t know how can I deal with this. I think bramacaris have the same issue with girls when they go to distribute books.

HpS - Prabhupada says that devotees are allowed short term association with the opposite sex for preaching purposes. So you can talk a little bit to orient the men and then connect them with a male devotee (which of course includes Prabhupada.   [0:)  ).

About service: How can I deal with seniors devotees when I have to share service? For example if we are not agree about how to do something..

HpS - Discuss it resepctfully.  If they are really 'senior' then they will be better at handling the relation than you. If they are older but not senior, then you have to discuss like with a friend or if they are less advanced but older you have to help them like a child, appreciating their blind-spots being confused and thinking they are more advanced with they are not.

About diksa: Everybody is asking to me when I will take diksa!! I don’t want to be pressured, What is the rush? I think the most important is to follow the instructions and develop the relationship between guru and disciple and diksa is just a formality. Anyway I've already talken with my guru maharaja about it because I’m committed with him in the same way than if I was taken diksa and I feel ready to do the formality. He is agree and wants some recommendation. What do you think about it? Do yo think I should do it or wait more? For me there’s no difference.. 

HpS - Hari-nama Diksa by Srila Prabhupada's standard was for anybody who followed the principles for six months in full cooperation with the temple (living in the temple). If you have been doing that, then you can take Hari-nama Diksa as far as I would understand, for second initiation there must be more consideration.

Maharaja, I feel very very happy with my spiritual life and all the time I'm trying to improve myself. Krishna is giving to me too much mercy and I feel very enthusiastic and encouraged all the time. I need more hours per day because 24 it’s not enough!

I wish to see you again very soon!

My all respect to you dear maharaja

My obeisances at your lotus feet!

your servant,


HpS - AGTSP.....  Thank you for your association. If you are feeling big enthusiasm, don't be surprised to get big tests also.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Waiting for your next letters.