Apreciable Maharaj:
Escribo a usted enviandole un cordial saludo; me parecen muy interresantes sus planes de apoyar la educacion correcta en una institucion tan importante como ISKCON.
Soy educador y quiero pedirle favor que me ayude a entender algunas cosas que he escuchado entre los devotos, tengo tiempo que conozco a los devotos aunque no acudo tan frecuentemente con los devotos, soy Angel Smirnov.
1- ¿Es malo educar a enviar a los hijos en la educacion academica?
HpS - ASA - [Use Translate.google.com] - It depends on the individual child and the "academy". Some children can focus in very Brahminical things like scripture, deity worship and fire sacrifices. Others are more practical and need to learn more modern history and geography etc. Main thing is that the philosophical basis of the education is correct. Many schools, even if they are vegetarian, are based on "karma-vada" philosophy. Eg. if you memorize this I will put a red star beside your name on the wall in the classroom.
2- ¿He escuchado que e debe dormirse con la cabeza hacia el norte en REIKI, que significa el dormir en alguna direccion en especial y que bebeficios tiene?
HpS - ASA - In one of the sacrifices mentioned in the SB it says not to sleeep with the head North or west. I hear Prabhupada said head east. As I understand, when we go into deep sleep, susupti, the prana, and the more subtle aspects of the body, mind, intelligence, "rise" above the gross body and then tend to orient toward the south or east. Then when you wake up and "come back into your body" you are in upside down if you were sleeping with your head to the West or North. You feel like your head is in your feet and have to shake and jump for some time to get sorted out.
3- ¿En EKADASI que se entiende por granos (semillas, cereales, o cuales si y cuales no)?
HpS - Ask local Iskcon Brahmanas. They can give good list.
4- y ¿en donde puedo leer sobre el Ekadasi, en el Bhagavat Gita no encuentro mucha informacion sobre esto?
HpS - CC adi 15.8 plus following chapters. Other information is in many different places in Prabhupada's books. In the NOD in Chapter Seven there is more information. There is one article that was supposed to have been written by a disciple of Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada. It cited some source that Ekadasi is so pure since it is related to Lord Visnu that sin personified had no place to stay, so Krsna told him that he could reside in grains on that day.
Agradezco mucho su atencion, y le felicito por su bien admirable trabajo que es muy emprendedor.
HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!