Personal email

9 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



One mataji asked me a personal email from yours in order to talk about her personal issues. She had a proposal of marriage, she said yes but she did not want to share this in public ...I know that blog is practical,but what to do in these cases?? 

Thank u so much for the association Gurudeva

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

AGTSP paoho.
She can use another name and first we can talk about the general principles and then if we can give more detailed advice then we can arrange a private communication. It is just the same situation as always, no? We just can't handle 450 letters per month, but when we discuss the general aspects in public it drops to 150 per month because 4 other devotees have the basic questions answered in the first letter and then only have to ask about more specific details briefly.

Thank you for handling this mail and also for translating on this tour etc. We hope your Sankirtan is wonderful.