Suffering on KC

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:


Sorry for the comunication delay.

Still alive inmerse in MAdrid´s nectarian and trascendental pastimes of Sri Sri Gaura Nitay.

Temple activity is frenetic, Midday program is working really good, many many people coming and enjoing prasadam, bhajan and devotee asociation.

By krisna´s merci we have a little but stable team:

Temple council members: Jiva Tatva Das (The old Bramana wise man), DAndava DAs (President), Carcika DD (The only woman and secretary of the council, Janardhan (Acounter) and my self (Service coordinator)

I live with my good wife Bhaktin Marta in the aprtment side by side of the temple, we share the apartment with the mataji asram (4 little beds for ladies) and and extra room for visitors.

Jiva goswami is cooking from tuesday to saturday

Jaga Mohan is cooking sunday feast and mondays and is taking care of the FFL program (Actually feeding 30-40 people per day )

Mantri Ram is in charge of the altar (I help a little)

Bhakta Victor a graet devotee from Ecuador is doing grate as cook´s Assistant.

Nittay, a second generation devotee (17 Years old), is doing very well job cleaning the temple area, gest bathrooms, etc.

Kalindy (Jiva tattva´s Daugther) is taking care of the boutique and is a clear candidate for acounting assistant.

Isvara das (And old bramacary) will stay 6 months in mayapura and six months in Madrid doing Pujari and sankirtan service.

He donated his land in MAyapur to MAdrid temple and we are exploring the pòsibilitie of constructing some facilities for the spanish devotees.

The bhakti vriksa is developing nicely with Bhaktin Anna as head of the project. " spanis and one russian group are meeting regularly.(Anna, Janardan and Dandava are doing a great job as bhakti vriksa leaders)

We got a very nice little tulasi plant from Dharmavatsala prabhu and tulsi grow very nicely.(Bhatin marta is in charge of her )

The morning program is developing nicely including tulasi Puja.

Your good spiritual brother Dhanesvara prabhu (Spiritual economic´s) is staying on a regular basis triying to develope Mother earth´s project.

He apreciates you very much, now he is planning to write spirirtual psycology.

Also Damodar Pandit prabhu has being visiting regularly and giving a lot of nectar. (He drove the first busses from germany to India under the authoritie of hamsaduta and personally drove for srila prabhupada, he was also temple president in vrindavan for a while.

He is giving very nice classes in a very nice loving mood and devotee care actitude.

He was instructed in vaisnava defense by udaretha das in new vrindavan.

Many devotees from the congregation helps in diferents areas.

Unfortunatly as ussual there are aleays missunderstandins among devotees and some devotees are temporally not visiting the temple as before.

This really affects me a lot and makes me fell misareble some times.

In the last sankirtan meeting attended by Hanuman Das, Avesa Rupa Das, Jayanta, Purnamasi, Miguel, Jiva tatva, We got to the conclusion that relationship among devotees is our main problem so we decided to work togheter to try to develope better relations among the devotees of the yatra.

Personally I feel exausted some times, I am the only member of the councl leaving in the temple and the service coordinator , so some times is very intense.

I do not go for sankirtan (Book distribution as much as I would like)

Marta is helping me a lot, workin in yhe flower shop and helping with the family expenses.

But in the othewr hand we are really happy of having the mercy of serving SriSri gaura Nittay, Srila Prabhupada and the devotees in such a close and intens way.

My body was giving me a lot os sintoms of exaustion and from last december started a new program raw vegan diet and doing different proces of cleaning colon, Liver, etc.

I am feeling much better now.

This is all from now.

Please pray to Srila prabhupada for me and MArta So we can keep serving devottes and GAura Nitay for the rest of our lives.

Your servant JMHD

Well this is all

HpS - ASA - AGTSP . paoho.  Thank you for the report!   WAe are in Buenos Aires. We have been fighting for three days with our lost credit card and finally got it cancelled to day. If you have been reading the Blog you know our Jung programs etc.   We are giving 1-2 temple programs/day here with 30-60 devotees. Srila Prabhupada supplies intense verses.

The Magic will not be done by you, nor me, nor any living being. The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotees of Krsna.    NOI 4-6 is how to associate, no?   Very interesting advice. We can read it tonight in the class.
Thanks so much to everyone. How to make as you can become more deep in your own KC you will find so many ways to help so many more people!!!!!!           We see you in a few minutes.             Ask Dhanesvara Das to visit!!!!!!