VP offering Subhra Devi Dasi

10 years, 1 month ago by chas d lind in Special Category A

Gurudeva, Sent this yesterday and seems to have disappeared, once more. Thanks for your patience!! 

Dearest Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances on this auspicious day of Your appearance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to You.

  Poised eagerly, with pen in hand, so to speak, to write a glorification of You, I hear the rain incessantly pouring and thunder rumbling… auspicious signs…  There are innumerable ways to start, and unlimited ways to glorify You. However, this fool is not qualified, however I will simply open my heart and see what it dictates.

  How, fortunate I am, and all those around me to have come in contact with you somehow or the other. Each day, I always remind myself that my present service I have has come to me from, Your, mercy. Somehow, by you kindness, you offer my devotional service, which I know I don’t actually deserve nor appreciate enough. I only wish I could do more not so much in quantity but in quality and sincerity.

  I was remembering recently the “Nectar of Instruction” and how you tell us that this little book spells out everything in Krishna Consciousness. As part of my offering, I am making an effort to distribute 20 of these treasure books before the end of December. Four down, sixteen to go…I often review verse one (NOI), however, this past few months I am reflecting more on verse 3. The six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service;

utsahan niscayad dhairyat

tat-tat karma –pravrtanat

sanga- tyagat sato vrtteh

sadbhir bhaktih prasidhyati

  But it is not easy being patient and remaining enthusiastic in times of trials and tribulations. Through all types of weather, you continue to be there, to help and guide, support, encourage and inspire us through the inevitable storms.

  On this special day, I wish to send a simple gesture of deep gratitude for all you have done, for all you are doing, and for all you will tolerate in nurturing this fool.
Your insignificant daughter,
Subhra devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Can you send the power point show? If it is not too big you could even add the audio. My gosh. Then you could even save it as a movie and them upload it to the YouTube!!!! 
It looked really, really nice. If I had kids in that community I would want them there: "To hell with going to MIT, to hell with making money, to hello with everything. I'm going to put my kids in the Goswami Academy, so they can be happy!"