Happy Vyasa puja

10 years ago by Govinda Sundara in Special Category A

nama om visnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhü-tale srimate bhaktivedänta-swami iti nämine

nama om visnu-padaya krishna-presthaya bhü-tale srimate hanumatpresaka-swami iti nämine

om ajñana-timirändhasya jñanajaña-salakaya cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai sre-gurave nama

Beloved Gurudeva, we adore this day because you are the living representative of Vyasadeva, spiritual master is the most confidential servant of the Lord, and you given us Krishna. Which other best gift we can have in this life?  We have no way of repaying you, just render some small service and see your smile.

our knowledge is so poor and our senses so crazy that is not possible understand what we are doing with this human life without your guidance. 

I just want to say Thank you so much for accept me under your spiritual shelter, and i hope one day be a disciple that you deserve. 

Govinda Pramodini DD

happy vyasa puja! Feliz navidad y año nuevo en conciencia de Krishna!

and enjoy the  peanut butter cookies :D

HpS - AgtSP... Thank you. Krsna's kindness is that he gives us practical, fun, challenging engagements, no?

Then we can try to pray like we see Srila Prabhupada praying, chanting, in his books. Cookies fro CCD have not come yet, but the carob cookies from Boise were nice!