From my Lunatic - Monkey heart

10 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva




It has been  almost 19 years since I know U. My first contact with U Sir was on your Sri Vyasa Puja in 1996 ¡¡¡ I remembered that I was listening to my elder brothers saying their VP offerings and deep in my heart I made a wish "Please Krsna allow me that some day I will be able to serve and glorify Maharaja as His disciples are doing right now" Because while listening about all your qualities that nowadays has increased a lot. Paratma told me This is your Gurudeva...And Krsna is so merciful that fullfill my desire ¡¡¡ well I do not serve you properly :( , but at least we have the oportunity to Glorify You.  

Your amazing qualities and the excellent kind of person U are can not be expressed by words but we can not remain in silence either ¡¡¡

Your humility, the way U treat each person with respect, love and tenderness is the one of the things that I most admire from U, I am too much polluted but U are so amazing that U offer respect to others and do not expect or demand respect from U ¡¡¡¡ 

Your wise and sharp intelligence is admirable and is increasing year after year ¡¡¡¡ and at the same time U are like a child always happy and joyful ¡¡

You are the personification of Krsna's love toward us ¡¡¡

A simple 'thank U' Gurudeva is not enough. we received inititation 10 years ago and deeply and honestly we feel and know that we are not doing enough for U and Srila Prabhupada so this VP offering is also a commitment offering ¡¡ 

You came to this world to save us¡¡ And I am so thankful Gurudeva U saved me in many aspects. You always support me and act as a loving Spiritual father and I want to tell that to the world, I want that all people in the world know the outstanding person U are.. We want to make SP the most famous in the world due to  we know how much you love SP. And that will please You ¡¡¡¡ Thus that is our commitment we want to make SP the most famous in the world ¡¡¡

Some day I know that we will separate but just physically Please bless us to continue with your instructions because in that way we will in contact with You forever ¡¡¡¡ ASA will continue, Japa Joe will continue, programs like Carl Jung will continue ¡¡ NO MUST CONTINUE ¡¡ we promise


Gurudeva please kindly forgive all my faults, we really want to serve You forever ¡¡¡¡


I can not send You cookies but at least I am attaching a photo of some cookies that I personally made for my deities and a picture og your JBS ¡¡¡ THANK U GURUDEVA I try to serve Them the best I can ¡¡¡

Always trying to be your disciple 

Candramukhi dd 

HpS - ASA -- By Srila Prabhupada's mercy even a dog can dance in ecstacy! I don't think we came to this world to save anybody. We probably came because we were too curious for understanding what it might be like to immitate Krsna, or maybe even more viscious. I think you are doing a pretty good job with your life. You just have to become even more perfect so that Maya cannot catch you even with Her most clever trick, by catching Srila Prabhupada's mercy at every moment!!!!!

Beautiful cookies. Some for your mother, some for your sister and some for the little boy who dances in the yard!!