Srila Prabhupads Marathon Book distribution ki jai!!!!!!

10 years ago by Panca tattva das in Special Category A

AgtSP, AgtHPS, Pamho...Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!!!! I hope you are fine under SP lotus feet.. Here we are back in Bs As, we been three months in Brasil with very good asosiation: Yadunandana Swami, Rupa Ragunath bramacari, Danwantari Maharaja, etc..lots of book distribution every day, pujari service in Rio de Janeiro for 5 weeks (Goura Nitay and Jaganath, Baladeva, Subhadra, bathing, changing clothes and ornamating them),  for last 2 months get up at 2 or 2.30 am for chanting round (we can experience very good results in ower day by day) mangala arati becomes like nectar and we wait with ansious for next day....Reading gets dificult some times any way we get some speare time for SB 4,17, some BG ,NOi, SP letters, reading monkey warrior, writing in our daily notebook realitations some times...I need to work in dicipline...

We are waiting ansious to have your asosiation in South America....Always trying our best to improve in service quality and satisfy you and SP...And always praying for Goura Nitays and HPS's causless mercy!!!!

Your eternal servant..Panca tattva das

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna. All the reports we are receiving are of intense work for Srila Prabhupada. You can't pay people to work like this, and the work is not just humanitarian, animal mercy, but spiritual.