NIMSAR Translate Jung PPTX

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP and you!

This one is to kindly ask you to sent me the ppt of Carl Yung to translate it into spanish for our program in La Cantuta University in Chosica. In a couple of days, I'll have a meeting with dean of Humanities to set our program for february 6th in the morning. We worked with him before, he's is a nice person and we already have a reputation at the University, so no problem to set the program along with Imagen Institutional with Haribhuddi prabhu and professor Durant.

I'm also asking for permission to translate into spanish your ppt of Filosophy of Education. This one is going to be used in Bolivia, actually both ppt's. I don't know if the people in Chile are translating these. So, if they want, they can use my translations. They just have to ask.

Thanks to allow me to help you in your sankirtana.  

Your servant 

Laksmana-agraja das (known as the LAD)

HpS - ASA - AgtSP!   Paoho and our humble bananas for the Blue Baboon.

You can download the Jung pptx that we used in Chicago Universities at:

The original Philosophy of Education pptx is at:

But I think you have a more recent one.

Thank you.