
10 years, 2 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your quick answer.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We thought maybe you had realized our association was useless and went on to find more competent Sankirtan partners. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Your association is very useful and life saver for me and such a nice devotee like you don't grow on trees :)
Our meeting in Mayapur wasn't an coincidence, we needed to meet.
And i'm very grateful for you because you taught me to respect and see the good in everybody.
For your inspiration i started to read Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita and Krsna book everyday. And i could deepen my relationship with Srila Prabhupada.
I'm a bad correspondent, so sorry about that :( but i think about you a lot.
In the last few months many things were in my mind and you always answered me in your blog "accidentally" :) You wrote about these topics in somebody else message.
So i feel connection with you and i feel you care about me and serve me (and i don't serve you :( but maybe because we don't meet regularly in person this connection is not so deep.
Or just my mind is too difficult because i'm in a woman body...
I feel in the air...and my situation is still not clear. Am i a brahmana or not? Need to be re-initiated or not?
So i'm sure i want to belong to somewhere and somebody and i want to be a useful instrument.
I hope you understand what i mean, Maharaja.
I don't know how can i deep my relationship with you. I don't do any service for you, i'm not scholared and not so sincere like your disciples. So i'm useless, Maharaja, not you.
But i'm interested in your opinion. How could you deepen your relationship with Srila Prabhupada? Especially after his departure?

ASA - If you dig into it aren't there some good folks, things, there? We went for several bicycle tours around our neighborhood and yes, so many stupid things, but we also found a bookstore where they said wecould have meetings of a Reading Group with our tea and cookies and they would advertise it. Of course, we offered to have them sell any books we were reading.

From January we will be less busy than now so we try to find new opportunities here.

HpS - ASA - You can also join the ASA Hawaii and San Franciso groups, if they match your time.
I would like to start study from the beginning (from first canto). Is it posibble there? Is there a beginner group?

HpS - ASA Today ---  Only program I would know might be in Radha-desa?!  Some in the USA but that is so different on time standard. Maybe through Mayapura Institute. Google them on line. Always, find a friend and then get together by person or phone and start reading together. We have some Study Guides. You could get a partner(s) and then do some work through the Blog here.

HpS -  Hmmmmm, maybe we do a big program with Oxford Center etc???
I would be happy if i could assist you in it. Just let me know how can i help you.

HpS - ASA - Thank you! Krsna doesn't waste anyone's austerities. Please tell your good husband to send us a little news of his Sankirtan also!!!
I delivered your message to him and he will send to you a message soon.

Thank you for your association, Maharaja!
I wish you all the best!

Your servant, Sri Radhe devi dasi

HpS - ASA Today--- I a few minutes it will all be over and we will be in Goloka again and you will know who is everyone in ISKCON in their spiritual form etc. 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly.