Monkey reporting

10 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna Maharaj

Hope when you get this report your health is fine and Tommy the tooth is behaving.

HpS - ASA - San Thomas the Tooth has left our body. I wonder what the dentist does with them. I guess he has some kind of Medical Waste service. Interesting. Useful in the body, dangerous trash when disconnected. Like us and Krsna, no?

This is Paula Quezada from chile (36), subproduct Antonia (14)

I really want to thank you for your good wishes and answers in my past letter.

About what you said that we should try to think as Vaikuntha as a different place from here and wanting to leave this place, that is a feelling that I`ve been wronly having for most of my life. I grew up wanting to get out of here, but not knowing where to or what for. After reading Srila Prabhupada`s books i was able to understand that in fact this is a miserable place, but he has given us the unvaluable treasure on guiding us on our way back home. The point is that the feeling i grow up with make me kind of hate this world, but now i understand that the point is not hating it, but getting out of it, but i really need to consider the world i live in as beatiful, as it is Krsna`s creation, and i can mantain in it without falling in a depression!!!!! From this point of view, i can asure that Srila Prabhupada saved my life.

HpS - Is like a prison or mental hospital, no? No we begin to become sane enough to realize that all our fantasies of being Romeo and Juliet are just the fantasys in the Mental Hospital. With that realization the Mental Hospital becomes a nice place. The society makes arrangements for our comfortable stay during recuperation, enough irritation so we won't want to stay, and while we are here we can help Dr. Krsna with the work in the Mental Hospital, if He wants we can work here with Him forever. Narada Muni spends a lot of time like that.

Regarding my Sadhana, im fixed with my garlands service in the temple, getting up at 5 am for home mangal aratik. Chanting 16 rounds in japa beads, sometimes enthusiatic others full of mind, but always trying to improve. Following 4 regulative principles strictly. I also mantain my daily readigs of BG, SBH, NOI, NOD and ended the Mahabarata, wich, i have to say was very interesting and clarifying of things and situations i didn`t now. I also make my own archive of your archives and now i intend to print them as for me, reading in the computer is not very effective, im attached to papper!!!!

I ended the disciples course of ISKCON and waiting for having the date for participating in Bhakti sastri.

The community here is very enthusiastic because of the first congress of education in ISKCON, making activities for rasing fonds, working together in the team of Srila Prabhupada...

P. Amara gouranga Das, our temple president, told me he sent you my formal recomendation  and i saw my name in the list of refugees in guru tattva. Does this mean that i can formally consider that you accept me for trying to aspire to become your disciple???

HpS - AGTSP. Yes, now you are a Refugee. I liked it better when the title was Aspirant, but Refugee maybe is more honest. Six months as a Refugee and you can take first inititation. THen second, third....

I have something to tell you though, because the first time i ask for your refugee, one year ago, your response was for me to read the guru tattva document, but as im an idiot i took that answer as a yes and been chanting your pranam mantra since then, Im really, really sorry if my ignorance make me commit an offense on you Maharaj...anyway i want to thank you for always being nice with me, responding my letters and giving me advice. Your guiadance is my only shelter in trying to undestand Lord Caitanya`s message and the teachings of srila Prabhupada.

Looking forward for counting with your holy association soon...

In a stupid attempt of trying to aspire to be your servant,

Bhaktin paula Quezada

HpS - AGTSP paoho. No, offense. Is just a small detail. We will see you in just 38-days, no?  Of course, we can all die at any moment. Past sixty it is a reality if you have a USA body like mine. As long as we are chanting HK / HR we are all packed-up on the Spiritual Platform. Even now I am thinking of nice walks up to the Alemeda to visit the Lion and association with the devotees. You are the life and light of Chile. Don't let the light go out!

[NICE photos]! !     !