Jung and Nabadvipa Dhama

10 years, 1 month ago by Raulmontreal in Special Category A

  AGTSP !!!

  Please accept our humble obeisances

  Dear Maharaja

  We are finally on twitter !  dont have a cell phone, net at home  and really dont trust technology much but it seems pretty useful when used for devotional purposes.     Also we found the Philemon.org   ... outstanding work,  hope to follow your future collaboration with them.  As you say it's a vast area to share with interested people who understand what cross-interdisciplinary  work is,  so much common ground, terminology, categories, paradigms  can be expressed differently at times but on the surface only, esoterically the link is strong.  We believe that Jungs process of individuation is the key word and hinge where all roads finally meet.

First and foremost spirituality  it's a science that has to be experienced -  "before it's systematyzed and defined"  this was Jung's process,  then find reference points to build a paradigm,  the careful balance between insight and a priory principles. This in a way is  our primary epicenter of metaphysical search,  as saddhana bhakti normally works with a descending process, but eventually has to reconcile identity to paradigm.  Would this theme work well for an essay ?  

    HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP. Paoho. You already have just done a synopsis of an essay. It might be nice to write it and share it with others, even yourself after afew days as it will look completely different when you re-read it, no?

But of course appropriate techniques such as japa, sravanam, kirtanam vishnu, smaranan are essential to even reach a minimun platform of qualification,   so the descending process  is essential even at earlier phases of spiritual search. Eventually though the resistance to a new identity could become a stumblin block  if the individuation process has suffred a disociation from awareness and has fallen into a neurotic fantasy.   I think there is some little useful stuff here, rest is useless, forgive my sillyness Maharaja.   Night !  is the finest moments in Vraja and Navadvipa !!!!  

your servant


HpS - Thank you for your comments. We are reading Sonu Shamdasani's "Carl Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology...". It is a big book, but we are not losing interest. It is like a very purposeful history of modern psychology from the best Western perspective. I am getting precise summaries of Kant, Henri Bergsen et al. Prabhupada said of honest intellectuals that they may be slow to come but they would also be slow to go.
In all this Essay Writing etc. We are really looking for an active audience, people who are talking honestly and then we can all advance in purification and potency to again help the Gopis!