Improving Sadhana - Utah

10 years, 2 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my most humble obeisances.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Things are continuing to improve for me in Utah. My work schedule has now become ideal where I am able to have time for my sadhana. I am at 16 daily rounds for at least the past month. Reading and offerings to my deities are also there. I'm in the first half of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2. Krishna is really driving home the point that we are not the body and the nature and qualities of the jiva soul. I am also reading Mahabharata. The Pandavas have escaped from the burning wax house and have gone through there adventures in hiding. Bhima marries a cannabal! Interesting how though she was a man eating shape shifting demon she knew enough about religion to persuade Yudhisthira that she was qualified to marry Bhima. My mind is a bit boggled by that one. They are now returning from the arena after competing for Draupadi.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!  Very nice. The whole world thanks you!!!   Krsna, Gopal thanks you! It means you will be coming home soon. Are you reading Krsna dharama's Mahabharata? It is nice.

I am also attending the temple programs regularly, although it doesn't appeal much to me. I have to make it appealing for myself. The topics discussed in class do not come from Sastra. In my opinion it isn't a whole lot to do with Vedic philosophy. But I get to lead kirtan, and I have taken it upon myself to read from Krishna book for the guests after the program during prasadam. This is becoming a regular practice. It's nice to read for the people. I'm happy to get another taste for sadhana in the past months. I'll continue to write regularly, perhaps once a month.

HpS - What "temple program" is it? Spanish Fork? Salt Lake City? SB class??? 

I have not heard back from Radhika Raman Prabhu since I last wrote to you. I know he is very busy with his work. He gave me his phone number and mentioned to call on the weekends, so perhaps I'll try to reach him that way since my schedule has recently changed. 

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - Yes, I just talked with him. I don't talk with him too much neither, because, yes he is very busy right now. He is finishing his first year at the school there with administrative duties, grading year end examinations, family &&& he and Krsna ksetra Maharaja have the FINAL EXTENDED DEADLINE with Columbia University for their academic summary with selected extracts of the Srimad Bhagavatam. It is a $200 million book! So wonderful for the whole world but they have to do some serious writing and editing before end of the year.

Our respects to the Rebec(ca) and Caru/Vaibhavi Devi Dasa/i if you see them!