News from Montreal

10 years, 3 months ago by Raulmontreal in Special Category A


 Please accept my humble obeisances

 Dear Maharaja

 We found the Light of the Bhagavata !!   We were wishing to have it after reading about it from you, and one day it was just there in the Temple book kiosk the '96 original edition.  It's just a masterpiece of interdisciplinary-sankirtan and oriental aesthetics as well.  Remember I talked about making some bonsai type Vrindavan pots ?   well,  autum entered and everything green just became hard to work at or even think about..  but this book is keeping the desire to do this service alive and giving us many ideas on where to take it.  We may need some Krishna - Balarama small icons from India, similar to the ones at home to complete each mini garden pot and get-buy the right oriental looking plants..still along way to go...but seems this is what Krishna-Balaram want.  We are beginning to have small exchanges with our small icons-murtins (hand carved in India)  they seem to be aware of who I am and how I can serve, such esoteric activities but so humble and real,  Krishna's opulences, mercy and potencies are inconceivable. They are accepting my poor apartment as their home and my silly self as a servant-caretaker.  Can't fathom it, it just happens.  These murtis are too merciful.  I guess Krishna did like to be on top of the Macchu Picchu !

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!    Very nice to hear from you, Regent Raul of Montreal. If you look in the archives in the section starting lob you can find some ppts and an Index and Table of Contents for the LOB.

On regards Jung, we are looking for your paper on your library, only have 1rst part.  Personally I think he did reach an active and esoteric encounter with Atman and may be even Paramatma.  Although he seems to fuse both together theoretically. He may have reached the Brahman stage of cognition also.  What Srila Prabhupada called the  process from karma yoga to jana to seems Mr Jung did go through them.  We also received Suhotra Swami's paper on Vaisnava psychology "Transcendental Psychology,  very interesting but tough to research, seems to be based on the Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumma, Anirudda aspects and the masculine - femenine aspect of creation.  Krishna-Lasksmi,  (Krishna-Radha as he proposes)  Krishna-Rama  we propose. Detail study of Brahma samhita should clarify the thesis we beleive.  His lectures complement his paper.   Maharaja !  we may see you in Lima !   we'll be there from January 22nd to March 24th.

HpS - Ahhh! If you are receiving our Tweets you know we posted a letter of co-operation to the Philemon Foundation a few days ago. I think it is in the archives starting with the word, "Philemon", if not "nios". The area is too broad to say much in detail until we find some intelligent, informed, people to discuss with. Look for "" on the web. 

Thanks for bringing  Jayananda Prabhu's memory to the present !!!!!    such an inspiration !!!    

you poor, silly servant  Raul

(a pic from '97-'98)  role Lakshmana -  Ramayana  (good memories !)

HpS - Thank you. Your service and consciousness sound fine. Just have to all move ahead with good Japa and full morning program. More in the DTC!