From Madrid

10 years, 3 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP.

I hope you’re fine in all aspects. We are, working and working. Krishna gives us a lot of Mercy. Some days are very hard. Each day is more difficult working for me in my job. I loved my job, now I’m losing the interest but I need it. Sometimes I’m looking for the rasa, but I don’t find it. It’s like a desert: hot, thirst, sand and hungry. Someday I’m trying don’t go crazy.

HpS - Hmmm!  AGTSP paoho. Krsna does not require that we work hard like dogs. He only requires that we do work nicely and chant Hare Krsna. You should try to be peaceful and see what you need to adjust to a sane and basically happy life, no?

The last month  we had to take some decisions about some devotees in the ashram, because they were not integrated in the project and always they were putting spokes into the wheels, and they had to go away to other project. I’m so sorry, but it was necessary and very very hard.

HpS - Yes, but if we do it with some good consultation then everyone will accept that it is the best thing.

Enthusiasm, dynamism, to want preach, to go out to distribute books, to cooperate one with others. How we can conquer Madrid?. There are so many people. The temple is full every day between 50 – 100 persons per day, but sometimes there’s not enough enthusiasm in all devotees.

HpS - Enthusiasm means intelligence. Have to have time to reflect on acting intelligently, educating people, then getting a few leaders to organize others.

From two month ago we are beginning two Bhakti Vriksa groups. One was started by Jaramara Hari Das, and now it’s led by Bhadra Vardhana Das. The other one has been started by me and Carcika.

Two months ago I began a new blog about “Bhagavad Gita As It is” ( I have other one :”The Vedanta” ( You said me three month ago: “Write in local news paper or magazine”. Maybe it’s not exactly what you said me, but I hope it’s fine.

I’m following with my rounds and principles. I sometimes have difficulties. I’m trying to read more and finish the second module of Bhakti Sastri, but I haven’t much time. I’m trying to finish Bhakti Sastri in May or June if Krishna wants it.

I don’t take you off more time. Don’t forget us and pray for us. Carcika and I want to be parents again.  I hope we don’t lose him/her again. Krishna knows.

Please, let me keep me at your lotus feet in the service to Srila Prabhupada.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

HpS - AGTSP. Have more fun!  Did you get the beads for Marco? We got Jacobs, chanted on them and will send them to you at Espiritu Santu address also if you got the first set for Marco, O.K.   We are actually beginning to look at next year and making practical plans for visiting Spain.
More news in the DTC always. Thank you so much for your association and inspiration. It goes on and on, but there is always a result and then one day we see every austerity had a result!!