Urgent... my humble obeisances

10 years, 3 months ago by Eternal Servant in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Thank you very much for your quick response.

Please accept my humble obeisances

At one point in your answers, about talking to devotees who can help improve the situation, or conversing with devotees who are in the same situation,  I have talked confidentially with some devotees, and some devotees have already made the decision to go to other countries, some are trying to go live out of town and start preaching centers, and others decided to emigrate to other countries in Europe, USA,  and South America, India ... then the temple being left with new people (That's good, because most devotees do), but devotees take years, and are very good devotees are bored of seeing that the movement will not grow, does not want to be a family, much less work together, and they decide to go to other yatras, and good many others go to another organization, or just keep your faith in Krishna but leave to attend the temple.

Once you told me, don't look at those who come, or who leave the movement, you follow the road to Krsna, and that I do, and that many do, but we are in the material world, and is equally sad situation.
As you say, everywhere there are problems, and we will never get perfection.
But it would be pretty much our family Iskcon, if all those defects and problems, WERE united, educated, and happy 100%, 

I'm alone in my point of view, and the things that I observe in my surroundings.

Maybe there are people who are in the same situation, maybe they are not.

I hope at some point find that sweetness back in motion, as when it comes to movement of srila prabhupada.

Thanks dear Gurudeva, for your advice and words of wisdom.
I will write often, so maybe some of your ideas can help to change the vision to improve our private life as a devotee, and in our movement.


Maybe it is Karma, maybe I have to learn something from all this that I am feeling.

Your eternal servant!

Monkey - Piggy --   A G T S P !    "The result of Krsna consciousness is that one becomes increasingly enlightened, and he enjoys life with a thrill, not only for some time, but at every moment." - BG 18.76.

So, we can see any problem situation as an ecstatic opportunity to spread Krsna's service!  Jaya!

"The magic will not be done my ME, nor YOU, nor anyone else. The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotes of Krsna."

Preach, teach where ever Krsna has put you right now. That is the best way to understand if you should make any change.