
10 years, 2 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja: how are you?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Paoho. I think I am basically the same as you. We are constantly being bombarded by materialistic propaganda, romance stories, adventure stories, the modern world is trying to motivate us to enjoy material life and pay the adverstisers. If we are going to be here for Sankirtan we will see this. Full morning and evening program and chanting HK/R keeps us fixed on our job. Looking for Sita! She is so unhappy that She can't relieve Rama's distress.

I very well, although in bs as it is very hot and I do not like it , I prefer the fall!  Regarding Upadesamrta course, it helped me a lot to understand things from our philosophy that I ignored or didnt know well.  Even helped me to put into practice in your everyday life.

HpS - Yes, when it was released it gave me a lot of help in my practical spiritual life. It still does.

Also i took  Sri Isopanisad with Madhavendra Puri Das as a facilitator, and I became very inspired.  My rounds are not very good, I can not get up early, theni  finished singing at any time, I know I need to improve that.

HpS - Yes! I have the same experience. Of course we can chant anytime, but when we have a time and place and association that is focused on Japa rather than other stuff then the concentration starts to become more intense and then we can really start to chant in the mood of Srila Prabhupada's books. Krsna REALLY needs our service, in this world, and in Goloka!!  Wake Up!!

Principles ok, fixed services in the temple :the cooperating organization, and at the reception once a month.  Well,its not long for your visit. We are preparing everything here !  I hope you are ok . Until next letter! Bna lali

HpS - ASA - Jaya. AgtSP. Yes, We survived our visit to Chicago. Anti-biotics got our tooth infection under control, and go an appointment for Thursday with Dr. Patel. Now heading toward South American visit. Really concentrating on Carl Jung.