Hare Krishna!!

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear gurudeva,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Pamho!

Thank you for your answer! I think you are already a pure devotee :D . At the GBC Statement on the Position of Srila Prabhupada it say that if we strictly follow the pure devotee, then we are also pure devotee.

When you said   ladies sentiment can be good Bhakti but has to be kept pure by some masculine intelligence, that masculine intelligence could be the spiritual master? isn't it?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!    Well, a man or a woman can become spiritual master. BG 9.21. So a masculine spiritual master could serve to keep feminine disciple intelligence regulated, but also a father, husband, brother or adult son. It is just like we need water, so feminine intelligence needs this shelter. 
SB 1.7.42 also gives some perspective. Of course, it says, "women as a class", and does not address personal differences in nature. Also, as soon as we become devotees we realize that this body, male or female, is a machine and then from the 1,000 times more potent devotional platform we can use it properly, even miraculously if Krsna wants.

I think I’m fire also, like you. Somebody told me that. So now I understand why I've always been moving and investigating in my whole life.

Thank you for your advice about improving my japa. I will implement it.

I always wanted to ask you about dreams. How much value have we give to our dreams? What they meaning? What they are?

HpS - They are like things you see when you are awake. What significance do we attach to those things? If it is raining, what significance do we attach to it? Subtle world is real just like the gross world but has different laws just like fire and water are both real but have different laws. Evaluate everthing by association with good devotees, people; Prabhupada's books;  and Japa, Kirtan, no?
They say that Pravbhupada said that dreams about the Spiritual Master and Krsna are not ordinary.

On the other hand, I sent to my guru maharaja your respects and he told me that I offer you his thanks and respects also. What I’m doing with him is help with the marketing of his project "Soul Tools" through audiovisual design (videos, flyers, etc) and managing the facebook pages of this projects, with other disciples of him. I have many ideas to marketing but I'm trying to get the footage to start to do them. I’m planning also bring here one of his projects named "Mantra Project" (www.mantraproject.net) to encourage people to chant the holy name, chanting the maha mantra to uplift our conscience and uplift the world. But I'm just starting to write the ideas and thinking how I will carry out it. In Mexico, my siblings did it at the Ratha Yatra Festival at first and they told me that it was amazing. Anyway they keep on doing it once a week.. I'm really excited about this project and I really want to do it here.   

There are some pictures of his visiting to Buenos Aires, below below.

I really miss japa joe, but 6.30 am for me is impossible.. I get out of my work at 5 am, so at 6.30 I'm already dreaming with who knows what..

All my respects for you! 
your servant,


HpS - AGTSP. Now we are Mangala arati, NOD, Japa, one hour later for daylight saving's time.
Thank you! Better to die chanting HK!!!!!