reporte de sadhana desde Monterrey

10 years, 3 months ago by gadadhar in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada.

Querido gurudeva disculpé mis ofensas por ser tan negligente en mis votos , a pasado tiempo que no le escribía pero siempre lo llevo en mi corazón , pase tiempo sin terminar las rondas pero ahora estoy cantando las 16 , debido al excesivo trabajo fui negligente al querer hacer mas de lo que no podía ,ahora estoy mas trankilo y puedo cantar mejor , mi esposa esta embarazada y esperamos un niño esta pronosticado su nacimiento para el 25 de diciembre nos gustaría que usted le de el nombre a nuestro hijo. Att su aspirante a sirviente Gadadhar Gosai das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. [] Chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds is a personal sacrifice we have promised to offer to Krsna. It is like someone promising to bring you water every day but then not bringing it. Krsna wants our service and He demands our service.

Yes, we have accidental falldowns like Ajamil or even intentional neglect like Maharaja Bharata, but then Krsna shakes us and wakes us up. Did you keep a record of how many rounds you have missed? If not make a good estimate and gradually chant extra rounds each day to recover your promise to Krsna. He will appreciate it very much.
Without chanting enthusiastic rounds daily we have become like Duryodhana more and more. He worked very hard but it created a problem for Krsna.
Falldowns happen, but then let's get back up in a glorious fashion. You know how many people need Krsna. Their lives are hell and because of ignorance they try to solve the problem by making it worse. You know this better than me.

Thank you so much for the letter. Please send us more news. You have a lot of work to do.

Kasisvara is a good name, no? He was personal associate of Lord Caitanya. When Lord would go to the Temple he would clear the path for him. Really the first letter of the name should depend on the day of the week the child is born.