Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Vrindavan Dham

10 years, 4 months ago by Cakori Radha in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna

All Glories to Srila prabhupada,

Dear Gurudeva, please accept our obeisance, All gloriest to Srila Prabhupada! With the help of Srimati Radharani we made it back to Vrindavan Dham 5 months ago. All family here, Thanks to Narendra Modi, permanent residency forever. We are opening a store across MVT selling Prasadam. Little café. Japa is not well.

We made the commitment of chanting minimun of 10 rounds, we feel so bad Gurudev. Ashamed. We try to have fix services, but it keeps mutating to help devotes with their broad variety of necessities.

ASA - AGTSP! Very nice to hear from you! Krsna must have some personal plans for you if He lets you stay in Vrndavana. "help devotees". Ha! Ha! Ha! How can you help devotees if you are sick?  <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />

CC. Antya 11.23:

If one cannot complete the fixed number of rounds he is assigned, he should be considered to be in a diseased condition of spiritual life. Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura is called nāmācārya. Of course, we cannot imitate Haridāsa Ṭhākura, but everyone must chant a prescribed number of rounds. In our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we have fixed sixteen rounds as the minimum so that the Westerners will not feel burdened. These sixteen rounds must be chanted, and chanted loudly, so that one can hear himself and others.

Take some time but get back to your religious life, lady! Then you can be a Laksmi and not a Putanita!!!! (Putana was a Vrijavasi!)

O.K?  Krsna will NEVER punish you for chanting 16-nice rounds. He will give you more service and more strength.

Waiting for your report at ASA Central.

This month of Kartik we commited with more reading and understanding of what we read. constantly praying to have a true desire to chant Japa, which is so difficult for us. (Any devotee reading this, please i beg you... Pray to the Lord in this Kartik, ask for this stupid person, so we have a genuine desire to improve/commite to our Japa) Our service and our work/dharma is with our Ksetra, every day we go to sleep with sciatica. The Donkey is dying! We want to become Good recipient of the mercy of Srimati Radharani. All other principles are OK. But 4 times we drank chai to put our pressure up. We were ill. Thank you for your constant inspiration, we have you in our thoughts every day. Every dandavat. Hoping to serve you one day,

ASA - Today! If you don't chant your rounds in Vrndavana you will die and take birth as a donkey there!!!

Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Sri Vrindavan Dham. P. S: Our husband has a question for you, he is a bit shy in some aspects. He ask me to ask you about Lord Caitanya and his brother Visvarup, the question is: What is the relation between Vishvarup and Nityananda Prabhu? (in relation to that it is said he left his body in South India while being sannyasa) AgTSP!

HpS - ASA -- We were wondering how our Brother Psychologist is! Don't understand the question??? I think Visvarupa is like incarnation of Sankarsan or such. It says some where? But how is His leaving His body in South India affected by this???