Thank you Maharaja and about Iniciation

10 years, 4 months ago by Jacobo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please receive my humble obeisance, all the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Maharaja I hope when you receive this letter you are well and receiving all the blessings of Krishna.

First I will like to apologize for not writing before. I wrote a letter to Monkey Warrior on May this year. On that letter I shared my desire of seeking refugee on you as my Guru and if it is the desire of Krishna to receive Initiation.

HpS - AGTSP - Paoho. Sorry it has taken us 2-weeks to answer this letter! You have another so we will look at this one and get to the other. After our North America trip and three festivals here one after another we are pretty much back tto a sane work load so we should be able to answer letters more rapidly.

You recommended for me to read the Guru Tattva and give you my opinion about it. I had read the Guru Tattva and I will like to share with you some things.

Last weekend I met with my two Siksa Gurus, Yadunandana Swami and Dandava Prabhu. They told me about the possibility of receiving Initiation from you through the person of Yadunandana Swami. I am not sure if this will happen; since it is a matter that Krishna and you will decide.  In any case, it is something that has gave me a lot of happiness and has fulfilled me with motivation and strength to continue developing my sadhana. Thank you very much.

Three weeks ago I had the mercy of participating in the course for disciples imparted by Yadunandana Swami. It was a very important course for me since it made me realize about the importance and the seriousness of take refuge in a Guru. It also helped me to develop more attachment and admiration towards Srila Prabhupada. I have no doubts to recognize Srila Prabhupada like the Founder Acarya of ISCKON and the main Siksa guru. I had read his books and currently I am still reading the Bhagavad Gita when I go to classes with Dandava Prabhu, almost every week. I also accept the GBC like the most important authority in ISCKON.

I have been following the four regulative principles for some years and I have been chanting the 16 rounds since November 2013. Before this date I was chanting rounds daily but not always  16. I am currently singing at least 16 rounds a day and still following the four regulative principles but, in some occcasions during this year (maybe 4 or 5 times) I have not been able to reach the 16 rounds during some days (3, 4 ó 5). Nevertheless in other occasions I have chanted more than 20 rounds a day. I had shared this matter with Yadunandana Swami, he said that the days I completed more rounds can be considered for those days that I was no able to finish my rounds.

Regards to the Brahma muhurta, currently I wake up at 7:30 am, I chant some rounds and I offer breakfast to the Deities before going to work. I know I should be able to wake up before; at the moment it is my objective. I know I need to change some of my daily routines and go to bed earlier.  At home I do not do the Mangal Artik.  However I always participat in the Mangal Artik when I visit Nueva Vrajamandala. I enjoyed it very.

Two weeks ago I went to Nueva Vrajamandala to do service in the meeting of ISCKON leaders and I felt very lucky to be there next to big personalities. I was very much thankful to Krishna for the opportunity.

Last week I also went to Nueva Vrajamandala for the Course of Devotte Care that was imparted by Yadunandana Swami and Partha Prabhu. It was a very interesting course and I hope to put what I learned into practice.

Currently I´m still collaborating with the Bhaktivedanta Studies Institute and the Temple of Madrid doing the advertising and designs.  I'm also going practically every Sunday at Temple Madrid where I participate whenever I can in the Harinam and do the cleaning of the Temple after the program.

I would like to thank you with all my heart for your interest in my Initiation. In the future, I hope to hold firm in the service to Krishna through the service to my Guru and to Srila Prabhupada and be an instrument to expand Krishna consciousness.

I hope to have the mercy of chanting rounds soon with you and the devotees in the Japajoe.

Thank you very much. Greetings

HpS - o.k let's look at your more recent letter.