Personal report

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you
Please accept my humble obeisances

How is your health?

HpS - AGTSP paoho. For 66-years in an USA body it is good. Old machine so we have to spend more time tuning it, and if we are excessive with it then it falls apart or can even die! Our vision is getting weak. Our feet and legs are swollen a lot, our resporation can be deeper. Old-age is a good friend for a devotee. It pushes him onto becoming a pure devotee.

About me... Everything keeps on very well. I'm working with projects of H.G. Mahatma Prabhu by his mercy and I feel very very happy for to be part of them. A lot of thing to do! I still go to the temple not very often as before, only to do my fixed service.. I'm trying to keep my sadhana with fixed schedules and this became a bit difficult to me because I've never could to adapt the routine in my life. I want/need to change all the time because I get bored. Is it normal?

HpS - ASA -- Yes, for some people, but the nature of spiritual life is nava-nava-yauvana, always fresh, like we hear that Srimati Radha-rani never cooks the same thing twice for Krsna, but Srila Prabhupada wrote in my initiation letter that our American disease is that we always want to change things. The idea is not to tear down the old building, but to improve it. We don't give up any service, we just improve it. We are making tighter and tighter concentric circles, not moving forward on a line.

Got it?

Change means to improve what we have, not replace it.

Psycho-physically I am 70% fire. Maybe you are too. Have ever seen a fire with "gravity"? No, earth has gravity and water has some. So, fire people are always moving and imvestigating. An engineer sees the problem and solves it. A phsicist sees the problem, isolates it so it won't expand and watches it. A mathematicion sees the problem, sees that it is possible to solve and loses interest in it.

Anyway I do it but it's hard for me. I would like also to travel soon... I always think about what you have said me about my woman designation related with my last life. Maybe is not bad to have this body, because bhakti comes from deep feelings and the women are be able to connect more with their feelings. Isn't it? Anyway designations are not already important to me. It's only a thinking.

HpS - Yes, ladies sentiment can be good Bhakti but has to be kept pure by some masculine intelligence. Like kids, they can follow without stupid intelligence getting in their way, but like you say, once you become a devotee andy machine can be used to get a perfect result.

About study... Whatever I've studied doesn't matter if I can't practice it yet. So, I will tell you only that I try to be more humble, don't see faults of others, appreciate others and to understand that absolutely everyone have something to teach me even I although think they are wrong.

HpS - Santa Belena!

My japa... This is the most important and even as I think now it's better because I take 2 hours only for chant, my mind is very negative and it doesn't allow me to focus in the holy name. I always pray to the Lord for the taste comes someday. So, please give me your blessings for improve my japa!

HpS - You should see some progress. Smile! That will trick your mind into being positive. In the beginning your progress may be from mechanical tricks as much as from sincere devotion. Find ways to control the Mind Ape!

Hope you have a great Kartik's month!
My respectful obeisances!

Hare Krsna!

HpS - ASA - Thank you for your letter. Please give our respects to The Mahatma. What kind of service are you doing with His Grace?

Got any pictures of him?