Mercy! Mercy! Give me your mercy please!!!

10 years, 2 months ago by Christian in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna dear guru maharaja!

Please accept my most sincere obeisances

All glories to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtana movement

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to your mercifull instructions

Gurudeva, yesterday we finish the books we brought to Xalapa - Veracruz with the sankirtan party leaded by Jayadeva Hari Das, it was amazing to go out with such powerfull devotees of sankirtan, i found many interesting people, among them, there is one mazon girl who had already encountered with another devotee last year, she took Bhagavad-gita, and will go to the Mexico city ratha yatra this weekend, she is very eager to practice vaishnavism, chanting the holy name. We also did a home program with devotees from a town near from here it was full chanting and taking prasadam, very very joyfull, but at the end of the program i asked the mataji owner of the house about a murti of Sri Hanuman and she offered to give it to me, wich i accepted. Jayadeva Hari got upset with me and told me that it was wrong to ask for a deity, that i shouldnt do that. What can you advise me now that i already did it?

HpS - AGTSP! I don't know! Did you ask for it or did you just ask about where it came from and she offered to give is to you. I don't know? Talk with devotees, chant Hare Krsna and make a simple decision. Can offer to return it and explain what is happening, and see what she says then.

Gurudeva, I heared that you told Govinda Pramodini that you will be in Tennessee for your Vyasapuja, Next week I will do the application for the visa, please give me your permission to go there with the rest of my Godbrothers from Mexico, because if you agree, Krsna will allow me to get the visa and also collect the laxmi required for that travel. Im doing my best in my service, confident that if i do it propperly Krsna will be there helping me.

HpS - ASA - Aaaaaaaaaawk! There is no Temple here. It will be snowing. There will be wolves stalking the streets at night to steal cigarrettes from lonely travelers, hotel rooms will be $55/night, you'll have to rent a car.  Better to participate by Skype from Mexico, no? ?

I have been taking great asociation from you by hearing your classes and recordings i have, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR INSTRUCTIONS! for they are non-different from your lottus feet. Could you please explain me one phrase of yours that impacted my consciousness? The phrase is "When the spiritual life is complete, the so called material life follows; if it doesn't, then the so called  spiritual life is wrongly applied"

ASA - Hansadutta Swami used the analogy often that when you put a garland on your body you don't have to put one on your shadow. It is their automatically. So, when we are engaged properly in spiritual life our material life automatically becomes auspicious also. Of coure, in the beginning our spiritual life is not complete so we have to make a balance of spiritual and material responsibilities, but later we see that they are all spiritual. For example, morning is for my spiritual activities, day time is for night time is for enjoying.

Of course, again, as we advance it all becomes the same thing.

And our material situation may not appear so nice externally. Like Maharaja Pariksit being cursed to die:

"SB 1.19.4: While the King was thus repenting, he received news of his imminent death, which would be due to the bite of a snake-bird, occasioned by the curse spoken by the sage's son. The King accepted this as good news, for it would be the cause of his indifference toward worldly things."

Thank you again for spending your time cultivating the seed of bhakti in our hearts! i will never be able to pay the debt i have with you, with Srila Prabhupada!

Your dumb disciple

Krsna-kirtana Dasa
 HpS - ASA -- We are just little messengers for you real Guru.