Hare krishna maharaj!

10 years, 4 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna maharaj !!

Pelase accept my humble obiansces [obeisances]. All the glories to srila prabhupada ! 

Maharaj I hope you are very well! [After lunch we always get sleepy, but try to stay awake by your enlivening letters!] I wanted to tell you that i had comunicated with the devotees in lima and in february hopefully i will be doing some service and atending your programs in the universities and elsewhere ! 

Maharaj i have been listening and reading , which had made me very sad that since next year you will not be giving more initiations?  Is this true ?  With all my heart i hope not and I have been praying to krishna that this is not truth . 

Maharaj i know with my heart and inteligence that you are my spiritual master and i want to serve you ! I have already chosen you as my guide because i know you can give me light and show me the way to grow in krishna conciusness. 

It is hard to me to think of another spiritual master to follow!!!   Iam doing my best to be your servant , please accept me as your servant and teach me to love krishna purely ! Iam just trying to develope true love for God and everyone .

trying to serve you properly 


HpS - Aaaaacha! So we see you in Lima after visit to Santiago! Have you been following everything for 6-months? You can get a letter of recomendation for Refuge and then maybe even take Harinama diksa in February in Lima.
Hmmm. We said, no more initiations except in special cases. Guess we can initiate people who have formally taken Refuge by November 17th (or maybe 25th December (or maybe...)))).

How is your Sadhana and service now!!