Training, shelter, Jung

10 years, 4 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Special Category A

10/08/14      Esteemed Gurudev:  All glories to Mighty Srila Prabhupada!!!  Please accept dundavats and pranamas!!  Re. qualifications for mataji Goswami training, it is possible i will not qualify for this training.  It is a serious effort by Monkey and Piggy to train me up to be a pure, neophyte devotee and so it must be taken seriously; not entered into lightly, no?

At first glance, this topic (training) may not seem related to an answer to a question you kindly asked in one of your last two merciful correspondences, i.e. "How is Dave?  How is the wienner dog?"  Re. Lila dog, she's  ageing wonderfully; getting more clever at manipulating us each day; practically useing human-sounding vocals to relay her wants and deeds.  She has no other agenda than taking shelter of us for her life. iI think her soul is making real progress in this life.

Re. the other question, please let me know if it is a real question seeking actual information, or a social kindness. If you want a real answer, please let me know if it will really be taking the shelter of my guru; in other words, confidential.  After (hopefully)  being able to tell you how Dave is doing and the actual day to day logistics of my life, you will be able to decide if i am in a position to qualify for this merciful training.  It is not a matter of my being unenthusiastic for the training.  Nor is it a matter of not chanting 16 rounds, not keeping  4 regs, not studying scripture (right now I am completely absorbed in the CC)  It is a matter of any log i would keep would look like chaos as there is no possibility of my keeping a fixed-up looking program schedule.

Re. Carl Jung    i am so enthusiastic re. future discussions.  In my 30's, i read him constantly, as well as the works of Robert Johnston. i'm assuming you will be expertly applying his views to shine further light on Vaisnava scriptures, psychology/practice/lifestyle and vice versa.  This would be truly fascinating and helpful!  The conversations between Hopi Indians and Jung, are amazing.

Amazingly, i have been asked to be on the B.G. teaching schedule for the Sac. Ctr.  First time will be 11/22  B.G. 16:5.  They must know my lack of qualification to teach so i think it is ok to accept with humility.


Haribol!  YWS Kalindi Devi dasi

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP. Paoho. We are struggling to stay awake. It is 1.52 in the afternoon. Hot in our sunbaked office. Had nice lunch from Mrs. Desai.

"How is Mr. so-and-so?" - This Blog is great place to see things from a more distanced position. Not that we can go to details and esoteric quirks and quacks immediately. Better to see our lives from a more Buddhist position mostly to start with. General discussion of intoxication, not marijuana, alcohol, chocolate, football, fashion magazines in detail.

"Being regular" - We'll you are breathing regularly, no? That's a very basic level of Goswami regulation even if we are in a constant war with The Witch who every day has become determined to make newer and newer, ever-fresh, obstacles in our lives.

So, also describe you basic arrangement for regulated Japa.

Let's see the next letter.

We all must become Goswamis. Even the dogs and cats. Otherwise we cannot become pure devotees and give Radha and Gopal the love they DESERVE!