Marcos From Madrid

10 years, 2 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare krishna Maharaja!! How are you? i hope that you are very well!!

In the last letter you asked me about the actual situation and news.

I returned to the temple at the begining of september. We had the Ratha Yatra!! It was so nice!!  I was all the time in the chariot, with the deities and the break of the car. It was an amazing experience the city was FULL of people thousands of persons! The kirtan and the program was excellent!! 

Now I have a new service in the temple, I am one of the two persons that have the responsability of the money, at first i didnt like a lot (this service), the money makes me feel  a little nervous. I know that its necesary but for example i don't like to count or to touch a lot... i know that the money is vey important to support differents things like: light, bhoga, wather, etc...  Now i more comfortable that at the begining.

We have a computer program and im learning how to do countability. Every day that pass i try to put more care in this service and try no to loss nothing and do the payments and things like this at time. Also i buy the differents things that the temple needs, the other day i did the first online shopping: bhoga and other products of cleaning.

My sadhana i think that is a little better than some months cause now im going to sleep more earlier, im sleeping around seven hours and now the time of japa is much better that some months ago. Im trying to be more tolerate and flexible with all, we had differents programs with Akrura prabhu about devotee care. It was very interesting and useful. Try to take care of the devotees its an amazing service and i think that its very motivating to see how a devotee are developing his spritual life and all his skills.

The past week we had the Seminar for disciples in ISCKON, i like a lot now im working in a document i must to finish before the week end, and in the first days of November we will have the Bhakti Sastri Exam.

About the initiation im very happy and i have many motivation to do it!! For me is an honor and i want to say you thanks for take this responsability, I think that take initiation its one of the most important things for the spiritual life and take diksa of one person that for me its an example of how to serve to Srila Prabhupada its a really mercy. I try to follow what you said me some months: Full program and 4 regulations stricts!! Also i trying to give my best to the temple and try to develope the services that the authorities gives me. Im  in extasis when i saw that they are happy with the resoults! I have many fails but im trying to be better!

The authorities of the temple said me that they will do a festival in christmas in New Vrajamandala and they think that maybe its a  good moment to take initiation, for me its OK! What do you think about that? What is the best method that you think  for my situation? I really want to take diksa, but i think that the authorities and you will have the best ideas to do it and i have a lot confidence in you and in them.

Thanks a lot for all!! If you have some instructions about anything please say me!! It will give me many motivation!!

Your servant Marcos.

HpS - Jaya! - AGTSP.  Of course, we started as Treasurer for the Temple in San Francisco when we joined and had the same problems with the service that you had. I guess we could assemble all the devotees you developed as Treasurers in ISKCON and compare our personalities and how we advanced in that line.
Your report sounds very nice!!
Thank you!

Jaya Jagannatha.. . .      Christmas sounds like good time. Our Vyasapuja is Christmas day or the day after.

Let us know more details.
"vitteśo yakṣa-rakṣasām"