Ter Kadamba devi dasi (buenos aires)

10 years, 2 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura nitai

tlgsp, my respectful obeisances to you gm!

I saw that you answered two old letters! Haha the question about the Ashrama  i did i do wrong, I asked if he could sing my rounds in my Ashrama in the morning ... i live in the temple and i am very very very happy, but I can't sing my rounds in the temple a lot of noise! I am very intolerant But I pray to our beloved Lord for giving me patience and tolerance...In the last letter you asked me if I read alone or with someone, now I am reading NOI,c.cariritamrta..and SB every morning ... i read alone gm i prefer hahaha...i studied sri isopanisad...

I am very happy to service all the days in the pujari ... clean the bathroom of the Ashrama  and took classes with a devout mrdanga very patient of Peru ...

GM i say that I am happy but at some point feel doubt from what I do, I wonder if I truly believe in God?

Much back pain and stomach i am weak haha ...

t            Once more my respectful obeisances to you.

                                                   your small disciple ter kadamba devi dasi..hare krsna!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP> PAOHO. Sorry it has taken 3-weeks to answer this letter. We are pretty much caught up on our letters now, and trying to avoid getting behind in the future. Tolerance comes when we see the benefit of doing the austerity. Like you like to read alone because there are disturbances reading with others, but then you see that there are also very nice benefits, so you "tolerate" the disturbances! Patience is another kind of enthusiasm, no? (NOI 3).
Doubts are normal. They are health if they are honest. BH 4.34 says that blind faith is CONDEMNED. So bring up your doubts and try to removes them by direct effort if you need to, but most of them we have confidence that the process will removes them: "sraddha sabde..." Look in the indes in the NOI. It's quoted there!
