Reply to original email

10 years, 5 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

At this time, it seems like it is run by Durga devi, I think I should work on my conduct so that people can come and ask me what I follow.

            ASA - Aaaacha!!!

Typically my behaviour is not in all nobility, forgiving, etc. I kind of go along with the flow of office politics. I wish I could be more stable in my determination to be noble in my dealings. When my conduct is noble, I would be able to preach to others. I need to work on it.

       ASA - Reading stories of the Acharya's like Bhisma Deva is wonderful impetus. Others.

It is Kronos manufacturing company maharaj( .

Today I read Srimad Bagavatham Canto 1, Chapter 2 , verse 34.

ASA - Aaaaaaaaaaaaacha! Last verse. Most of the questions answered. Now he will discuss the incaranations! Nama-avatara!  Japa beads are an incaranation!

Rama(my wife) will be going to India from November 7th to 18th. I would like to serve you on the weekends of  Nov 8th,9th or/and Nov 15th, 16th.

Thank you,

your servant


ASA - We will be in Chicago ISKCON on the 15th - 16th!