Maharaj !!

10 years, 4 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj !

Please accept my humble obeisansces.

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you Maharaj, yes. I will do that, I will converse it with other devotees.

 I am trying to comunicate with some of your diciples in Peru, because when i lived in peru I didnt knew Krishna Conciousness , so Iam trying to comunicate with them to see if while you will be there Maharaj i can go and participate in any programme or class you will be doing , if any ! 

I think Maharaj that when I will meet you I will know what should I do !  I am sorry I will no be able to be here in Argentina when you come, is because of some familly duties I should be in Peru for those days. 

As I told you before Maharaj, I want to take refugee on you, I need your guiadance because Iam very very neophite but with so much energy to learn. Iam very greatfull for having find the devotees, Srila Prabhupada , You  Maharaj and Krishna !! please guide me in this path. 

One question Maharaj because I have read in some places that chanting is the most important service one should do, is it like this?  or sankirtan involving reading , chanting. studying, glorifyng is what it refers to ? is chanting the most importans service? 

HpS - ASA - So, for details read SB.7.5.23. The beginning Srila Prabhupada is especially emphasizing whatever we do it should be for Krsna directly. Not so good that I offer what I want to eat to Krsna and then take the Prasada. Better I offer waht Krsna wants to eat and take the Prasadam. Then he starts to discuss each process with a title. Maybe you want to jump to that section and read the Sravanam section.
Therefore, even if one is able to perform other processes of devotional service, one must adopt the chanting of the holy name as the principal method of advancing in spiritual life. "

One more question Maharaj, where can I read about grhihasta ashram ? About the regulations etc? 

ASA - In the 3rd Canto, Marriage of Kardama and Devahuti.

thank you very much !

hoping I will be some day able to serve you

ASA - We also and we look for other letters by Alexandra Magna!
