10 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj
Please accept my most humble obeisances at your beautiful lotus feet.

ASA - AGTSP.Our feet are pretty clean but not yet lotus.

Hope that when you get this report you are in good health.
I´m Paula, from chile, 36, one daughter, Antonia (14)
I´ve been ungrateful . Haven´t write for a while waiting for the perfect moment to only share good things with you,but time pass and its been too much suffering trying to report when everything is fine in a world of miseries.

 ASA - We may have been ungrateful also and not responded to your letter sooner. We got behind during this six week tour of USA, and now we are catching-up. Certainly we can do more but how much?

But when it comes to CK, seva, etc it turns perfect. And ill keep that.So even though you must hardly remember me, I make a comittment of no matter what keeping constant communication with you. 

ASA - Write to us even if we don't answer immediately!

Chanting 16 rounds, sometimes enthusiastic, others in pain, but always trying to improve. 4 principles ok. 5 am for home mangala aratik,chant rounds in japa beads,6.30 prepare my daughter for school, more japa, rounds done by 8.

Daily  lectures of SB, BhG, NOD, NOI and always complementary readings, just ended the teachings of Lord Caitanya and started Caitanya caritamrita. Also been reading of Srila Prabhupada in Venezuela and its really nice how one, so fallen as to have to get to kali yuga to remember Krsna and understand my real position, can be  inspired by those drops of nectar.

ASA - How is it possible that you were not a devotee in your last life. Maybe you were a Nun, a Monk, a Yogi/yogini.
My fixed services in the temple are going for flowers,  making garlands for the deities and  helping the pujari in the decoration of the altar for feasts .
In my last letter you told me I need a letter from the local authorities for formal recommendation, and they informed me that is ok with that.  P. Bhadra Gopal Das,  in charge of the iniciations here, told me he was going to send e mail to you.
Now i´m begging  you to please accept me as your insignificant servant and help me with guiadance for going back to Godhead, Krsna!!!!!!!

HpS - Hmmmmmm! Never got any letter!!  Please talk with him and ask if he sent it!

¡¡Jai Nimai, jai Nitai, jaya Srila Prabhupada!!
B.Paula Quezada

HpS - Thank you for your effort. By staying fixed in hearing and chanting you will certainly advance. You will get a practical position in the ISKCON movement, you will start to wake up so you can hear Krsna's personal communication how to engage in His Sankirtan!
Waiting for more news! (Who is the monkey in the picture? Some one you know in Santiago?)