bhakta from india aspiring for your mercy

10 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna maharaj. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami. Please accept my dandavat pranam at your lotus feet. Maharaj hope you are doing well . I am very sorry for writing so often i know you are very busy in the service of radharani and krisna and helping srila prabhupada. Please forgive me . I had few questions . Maharaj they are as follows--- Q) how to make myself humble from inside ? Why do i become proud while telling someone about krisna . I dont want to have that proud feeling . I feel like i know so much while in fact i know nothing . Please suggest few practical ways by which i can feel and make myself humble .

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. Try to see how the people you are dealing with can be engaged in Krsna's service and then try to help them with their service. That makes us humble.

Q) sometimes i see the world black and white. When i dont like someone because they had treated me badly i cant seem to forgive them even later on after months. It takes me a many years to change my opinion for that person. This is hindering my progress in Krisna consciousness because here there is a initiated devotee . I just cant seem to change my view about him even now when he behaves nicely with me . Please teach me how i can change myself . Because if i keep grudge agaist krisna's devotee i will never be able to become devotee . Please help .

HpS - Is the same answer. See that devotee. See how he is doing some service. eg. cooking the Sunday feast. Help him. That will make your mind and heart change usually. Try it and tell us the result after a few weeks.

Sorry again for writing about my silly problems . You are very mercifull towards me . Thank you maharaj for taking out time to answer me. All glories to H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami maharaj. Thank you very very much. Your aspiring egoistic foolish servant Rituraj majumder Shillong , india

HpS - Is nice to hear from you! Read the letters to other devotees. You will find that many of their questions are just like yours.