What I understand

10 years, 5 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP! I'm not a saint. I'm just trying to maintain a regular program and hopefully come to the spiritual platform. I read the link. As far as I understand it I must attend temple program daily, attentively chant 16 rounds a day, follow the 4 regs, pperform devotional service, and seek guidance of a guru.

I am seeking your guidance, I have an unpaid position at the Bhaktivedanta Dharma school as librarian and story tellar, and I am seeking your guidance. Next month I move close to school and temple. I want to go to mangal everyday and chant japa in temple. I'm trying to surrender more and hopefully make advancement in devotional life. 

your servant,

Bhakta Ken

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Let's look at your other letter.