CMDD Looking for iur blessings and permission

9 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva
Hope this meets u in really good health

As u know I tell u everything. This letter is link with the letter entitled “kuruksetra or naimisaranya?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!!!   Yes, we just read it and answered it.

I hope U remember that I asked a question about grhastha asram on Bhakti Vaibhava class ¡¡¡

I have always admired Nikunja bihari das for his intelligence and for his sincere desire to serve Krsna, SP and U. We have been in contact for more than one month due to your sankirtan (of course we knew each other for some years but not in deep) so then we realize that we as a team may be a good tool for your sankirtan. We help each other to chant our rounds, read,and inspire to do our service better. I have been helping him in catching up on his rounds, he also helps me and inspires me a lot.

As U told me  in class “is nice if a get a nice grhastha asram”……So now Krsna is giving me the opportunity to be protected. As a single lady I need to be focus in one man in order to be chaste, otherwise contact with the society may be dangerous at least in my case.I guess that one of the reasons that I have been criticized is because I do not have a man who guides me. And puts me boundaries

 I know that is a big challenge for many factors.. His children, that we do not live in the same country, however. Honestly speaking I would never act as suruci I can not be cruel at children. Moreover I am writing also on my mom’s behalf, she knows the whole situation she supports me. She told me that I must follow my destiny due to his intentions are serious, he wants to meet my mother and sister and do things properly with You and with etiquette

As U told me .. “.In kali yuga a good man is hard to find. Nevertheless   Nikunja B d is a perfect, gentleman. Because He wants to communicate with U and also with my family.

Also I found this letter that U wrote to me:

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.   Paoho.   You all still need a devotee to help you: Father, Husband, grown-up Son, Brother.   We are Sannyasis, civil deadmen. We can't serve in these functions externally. This is the BG: Do you Dharma as a Ksatriya (or lady or Sannyasi)  FOR ME.  Then internally we have more personal relations.     Yes, if no one is available in Kali-yuga, Krsna personally will take care, but that means the Deity talks with you. If He's not doing that probably He wants you to take a little help from someone He is using like a puppet right now. This level we can discuss in the Blog.  So many people need to know this.

So Gurudeva please I humbly ask for iur blessings and permission in order to know each other better and start a formal relationship because at this point we know each other in some degree. I want to serve Krsna, SP and U. I love u so much and for me  iur opinion and blessings are the most important thing

Trying always to be sincere and serve U

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA - Look at our humble attempt at an answer to him in his letter. It seems very nice. Krsna consciousness is living in peace, prosperity and friendship with a common cause! Also it he visits Peru he can meet so many people, even take some lessons from Rupanuaga Das, no.


Are all your girlfriends, family and dog moving to Argentina?