Rodrigo HERNÁNDEZ: Personal report

10 years, 3 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Gurudeva
Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances
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Here is  Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros from Santiago, Chile. Sorry. Sorry. I can’t to write  before!

The last times have been very intense and complicated for me. Many things in the material world, many things in my life conditioned. Chaos and confusion, too much MAYA.

1-Honestly the last time we have experienced an existential crisis, where we are reviewing our lives: past, present and future. Our mistakes, our triumphs. Our desires, our attachments, our lust, our sins, our failures, our falls, nuestras caídas, etc.

Now on October 12, I’m 40 years old!!

We thought a lot about:

What do we do with our lives?

What are our goals and objectives?

What are our challenges and problems in our spiritual life?

How to solve our problems?

Why we write poetry?

The final conclusion is that we want to live and die in Krishna Consciousness. But we have so many anarthas!

2-Thank you very much for your "TPP" Composition book / 7.  it's beautiful and surrealist!

It's one of the best gift that I received in my life. I received it 26 days ago from the postman. Thanks so much. For me it is so important to get the association of my spiritual master. Thanks Gurudeva, thanks!

3-In 1997 we created Surrealist Group DERRAME  with friends (Chilean poets and painters). They are also our family. This September 1 Braulio Leiva, poet from Grupo Derrame,  left the body. He died at age 35 years old of a heart’s attack. Braulio was a conference of  You and he was very impressed, very happy. He wrote a surrealist poem after  your  conference (details in another letter).

I understand that  Bhagavad Gita (Gita B. 2, 11) says that "Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor for the dead" but how I can explain this to the parents of Braulio and his girlfriend?

HpS - AGTSP Thank you for your letter. You have a fight to make with Maya. Always keep a little peaceful and cheerful. Krsna will help. He is a nice person. Even if we have got ourselves in a complicated situation He will help is get out without great problems.
I don't know them. It may be very easy to explain it to them. They may already know from previous lives or it may be new to them. Try to listen to them and then explain what you know simply expecting them to do their work of trying to understand.

Also, since the beginning of August my friend Roberto (another Grupo Derrame’s member)  is in the psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia. My friend left her medications and entered into a deep crisis. I visit my friend in the hospital whenever I can, several days a week (details in another letter).

4-Fortunately  our bipolar depression is controlled. For almost 7 years ago we took  Quetiapine (900 mgs) every night.
We are going to  workshops about bipolar disorder. We are 4 patients with bipolar depression and 3 psychiatrists. Our idea is in the future to help people with this disease, perhaps write a book. Once you gave me the instruction to "write for the benefit of others".

5-Our current problem is overweight, almost 100 kilos. All this is causing problems for our body: Chest pains, in the heart, high  cholesterol and high blood pressure. Our problem is to eat more than necessary, we suffer from anxiety. Before practicing Krishna Consciousness I smoked cigarettes all day.

6-For some months ago I'm  with Adaba Therapy. The therapist is very good. She found three “Cuerpos sutiles” (bhutas) in us, these 3 “cuerpos sutiles” and they were stealing our energy for the last time! Fortunately she managed to expel them. Our therapist is helping us a lot, a lot.

7- We're in meetings to work for next visit to Chile from you. Jagat Guru dasa, Priya Sakhi dd and other devotees.

Dear Gurudeva sorry for  this long letter!!

To your  lotus feet

Your aspiring disciple
With my eternal obeisances
Bhakta Rodrigo Hernandez Piceros

HpS - Very nice letter. I wish I had more time to be with you, but again, Krsna is your friend. Try to follow His advice and expect to see rapid progress, but be patient also. We can solve millions of lifetimes of problems in one minute.