I need your guidance

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,

AGTSP, PAMHO! I have a problem in my devotional life that I need your guidance on. Haraj I am 46 years old and still desire to have family life. I am very interested with the devotee who manages Manila Temple. Also my ex gf wants to marry me. She is muslim but has agreed to keep vegetarian house and start attending temple with me. Maybe later she can become a devotee. Should I take a chance with the Indonesian girl? Marry a Philippine devotee, or do like Navina Narada told me and give up any thought of marriage?
Your servant,
Bhakta Ken

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! I don't know. Even if I knew a lot more about the situation I really doubt if I would know. The basic principle is that marriage is a service to Krsna. So, so, many examples of Grhastha ashrama and all its facets in the Bhagavatam. One of the earliest in detail is the Marriage of Devahuti and Kardama.
The ideal perspective is follow whole standard for one year, take Harinam Diska, continue with that level of intensity for at least one more year and then your intelligence should be clear enough to figure out your ashrama and find a suitable partner.

It is kind of like finding a suitable auto-mobile!

Better to ask a lot of local friends, associates, who know you and the lady what are there opinions, no?

"Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many counselors." - Canakhya Pandita.