
10 years, 3 months ago by kitri das in Special Category A

 Hare Krishna Maharaja! AGTSP. 

hope you re okey :)

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP. We hope that we can go from O.K. to Ecstatic!!

Last Sunday we had a ceremony by the temple's vicepresident for those who are taking shelter of an spiritual master, so I was called to attend and received kind of a Certificate that i have completed the level of Sri guru carana ashraya! and i got the blessings of Radha-Gopinatha to take shelter... So I just wanted to let you know.

Then i have a few questions : - like Im always thinking the diference between morality, ethic and integrity and how to connect each other. I supposse they must be quite or little different, and I would like to know what Krishna and the acaryas think about that.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! I think that these are English words that are used differently by different Western philosophers et al. In Sanskrit, Gaudiya, Vedic, ISKCON culture there is "Upa-dharma" or things that take us closer to Dharma. For example, we follow the four principles. These are ethics, morality. In themselves they are not spiritual, but by Krsna's arrangement they create a good environment for spiritual life, chanting 16-rounds.
Is O.K? Upadharma.

- In today's class, canto7. 3.35, Ramai Maharaja was mentioning about material desires in return to our service. So I'm trying to be always sincere when praying, that means I also tell God my desires with the purpose of not hiding what it cannot be hidden,. But I'm thinking what would happen if I ask Krishna, knowing He's the source of the demigods, for something material. Because for example that verse in the bhagavatam( i think), says that even if one has material desires, desires of liberation, or has no desires, one should approach the Lord. Therefore, in this sense, I wonder how He would reply if for instance I ask for some ability or wealth, or whatever, (I'm just guessing). It reminds me to the explanation of prabhupada in NOI about christian people but I'll more info. and on the other hand I'm not gonna ask that, but this question was always in my mind, so if you can clarify it please Maharaja.
HpS - I think you have nice comprehension. Kardama and Devahuti had a lot of sense gratification, but it was all within the range of Bhagavata Dharma, so they learned from it that material sense gratification won't make you happy. So, yes, sometimes ask Krsna to help us with our material desires, to purify them, to give us a higher taste while we do them.
Are you attached to breathing air?
Well, you won't have it when you die. So we have a lot of material attachements we have surpass.

Trying to be your servant, camilo.

HpS - AGTSP!!!  We see some more letters from you in the past we will try to get to them! Recovering form this North American tour!