
10 years, 5 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudeva. AgtSP pamho

I want to convey what he answered me: "Telll him that I am happy to accept you now that he has given his blessings."

thank you so much ,

bhktn Belén 

HpS - ASA - Very nice.    A G T S P !

Of course, "Devotional service is not a matter of sentimental speculation or imaginative ecstasy. Its substance is practical activity." (NoI 3)  So the foreground is doing the work for the satisfaction of Radha and Krsna and then internally we develop our internal life with our confidential friends and eventually our personal private life with Krsna. Prabhupada chastised Atreya Rsi Das when he told him, "Oh, Prabhupada, Krsna is so far away. I just want to worship you!".

Prabhupad told him that that was Mayavada philosophy. Unless we see Guru as representative of Krsna it is impersonalism. Of course, Guru, Prabhupada, devotees can be such strong representatives of Krsna that they also inspire Prema bhakti, but that is Uddipana, vibhava. Prema bhakti in terms of Krsna.