sexual orientation and your views on it.

10 years, 5 months ago by shyamsundar in Special Category A
Hare Krisna Maharaj All glories to Srila prabhupada All glories to you maharaj PAMHO at your lotus feet. Maharaj I am a 28year old gay devotee from indian origin . I came in contact with ISKCON through street sankirtan in london in 2011. I have been chanting and following the regulative principles from the last 1 year. I came in touch with GALVA( Gay and lesbian vaisnava association ) where i had a chat with Amara das prabhu ( prabhupada disciple) .he told me that in ISKCON multi guru system many gurus do accept gay disciples although celibacy is to be maintained ie illicit sex is not allowed. I even read H.H.Hridayananda swami's view on it. I want to know your view on the topic. How do you view homosexuality ? And if you ever had a gay disciple what will be your suggestion to him/her. Maharaj I am sorry because i asked this question in a public forum but i hope many aspiring gay devotees will be helped. I pray to Krisna that i didnt offend you by asking. Thank you Your servant Shyamsundar HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Hmmmm! very interesting. We will let Uncle Gismo, the ASA Science Officer give his clinical opinion on the matter. UG - ASA -- Thank you Swami Ji. Let's be frank about this. 1) Your Prabhupada says somewhere like in the Third Canto that the sexual appetite for of one male for another is not a sane attraction at any point during a normal human life. 2) They say that R.D. Laing, the great anti-psychiatrist psychiatrist said that insanity is usually an sane reaction to an insane situation. 3) White Rats [] when put in large colony cages with plexiglass tubeways connecting to other large colony cages and lots of food and water begin to reproduce and reproduce. After a while there is over-population followed by cannibalism of babies, catatonia and ... homo-sexuality. 4) THEREFORE we might speculate that homosexuality is a sane psycho-physical reaction to an insane situation, urban over-population, in some people. Experience has shown that it could be a reaction in anyone: Sannyasi, GBC, German woman, Frenchmen. It may be Mother Nature's simple practical way to reduce the population. HpS - ASA - Thank Professor! What do you think of that Prabhu?