DTC Th(11)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

paoho & bw.....  How are you all?
We just answered 8-letters and one short phone call. It took us 48-minutes. That's 48/9 = 5.33333 minutes per letter. Pretty good.
We are feeling pretty good.
We mowed the lawn, listened to Hawaii class, cooked for Lord Nrsmha deva, finished the Tpp-Cb 9 to page 46, helping GMD get his Commercial Driver's License, making new passport application, 47-minutes of Yahoo mail, fighting THE WITCH in our life and the lives of devotees. Really, she is very nice person. She is trying her best to help us go back to Krsna. She loves Krsna. Durga devi (Subhadra).

6.41PM getting dark. Health is pretty good. Hot and humid here. Some allergy. How is Radhika Devi Dasi in (?) England, and here health?
We rubbed our eyes for about three minutes with careful depth intensity and they have felt a whole lot better since then!

O.K. We got interrupted on the middle of this DTC for a 15-minute emergency call about misunderstandings between devotees. Hare Krsna!
Hare Krsna!!!!