Is it time to rest yet?

10 years, 3 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

September 9, 2014

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Here I am flinging-fingers down on the keyboard in hope of conveying significant and meaningful correspondence, revelations and enlightenment only to find me’ staggering n’ swaggerin’ insignificantly.

   ASA - Oink!  Whoop!    WHoop!  AGTSP! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Toss it to the wind and let’s begin… For some reason the good Lord is keeping me engaged with the needful, even though I know better (HA!). Multi-tasking as ever, the ego is puffing away and sensing accomplishments when in actuality I am doing nothing. Guess such are the hazards of studying Krsna consciousness; one actually begins to become insanely “sane”.

The 16-4 (rounds n’ reg’s) is maintained although sometimes there is a japa break that usually gets retrieved the following day and primarily it is because of seva this happens. Was informed that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta even commented on this and had adjustment guidelines for seva versus rounds, regardless still keep on as much as humanly possible.

Added for your enjoyment a few writes for ISKCON of Houston. Was inadvertently requested to comment on some recent events here, would have been nice to have some warning… had 24 hours to produce this and then was reminded after the fact that this was a combined article for yet another re-write. Guess I must work under pressure or I’ll take too many “snaps". Once again, Sri Bhagavan is keeping me engaged and astute, anyway enclosed all writes; the final actually did go to publication. Got a feeling there will be more requests in the near future… now what have I started?

Was great to see you in action at the SF Ratha Yatra, even if I couldn’t get a lot time with you, many others did and they were appreciative. Managed to finish the “Chakra” (Pic on file) for Their Lordships and delivered upon my arrival to the convalescent room at the NJP Hospital. Don’t know if the Chakra will ever actually ever be on the Altar, or if it even made past the hall doors, but again… the needful was done.

Glad to hear you’re getting more physical R & R time in Tennessee for God knows you’ll still be engaged everywhere else. Discovering at this later age, one must be most observant of limitations and when the good Lord will extend them for us, otherwise we end-up useless. Never been as busy at any Ratha-Yatra as this year, we were understaffed-overworked, though I did know the job was dangerous when I took it!

Well on to the next meager service, Shyamasundar wants to trim the 22,000 pound Altar with gold-leaf and have a feeling that soon I may get more mental jobs than physical (Saints be praised), probably a good thing…getting a little rusty in this Ol’ living-machine here.

All Glories to your Service,

Your unqualified servant,


PS: Hope the document copy is readable, was not easy getting to fit

HpS - ASA - Are you going to gold leafe everything!! Or just highlight it with gold??? Thanks for the letter. How is Laddu-rani? Cakra picture is O.K. but won't know about the other until we "post" this one.