Finally good news!

10 years, 4 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva

Pamho AgtSP

Forgive me for not having writen you for so long, i just not wanted to bother you without having something good to offer to you, i even had a insident with a Godsister because she insisted me to write you, i know she was best intented, still i cannot think of the idea of writing you just about my anarthas and lack of push for the movement, or itinerant ideas of my mind.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. A short note: We are stupid but trying, is nice to receive!

Now i have something concrete to speak, i returned to Mexico temple since 31 may to prepare myself to take more care of the devotees that are appearing in Queretaro due to the Bhakti Yoga reunions i told you we started in december, thanks to SP mercy they are 7 young boys and girls which are eager to develop Krsna Consciousness in their lifes.

We have already had a difficulty with a "old devotee" who is very very nescient and does not want to cooperate with temple authorities, he confused many of the youngs there, still we allready worked on that. That took us to the decition to prolong my time in the temple at least until january, because its a VERY HEAVY responsability to try to take care of others when we are not yet very fixed devotees.

HpS - Putana represents the "false guru". Everyone has to face her and get past her poisoned milk by there sincerity. Your young people have to do that also. Of course, I don't know the old devotee. Maybe he is very sincere and confused etc.

Mother Gopi Radha knew i have some english skills so she asked me to do some service by trying to translate the student and professor manuals for the sanskrit course from Goloka education, so i accepted and mother Lalita Gopi gave me copies from the ones you gave her. Each day i try to translate a bit and a bit, please bless me so i can serve your beloved disciples.

HpS - ASA ----  STOP!!!!!!   They are doing BIG translation program in Peru. Through Asta-sakhi get in touch with Patraka or Laksmana or Candra mukhi and co-ordinate with them. You have other service to do.

Sadhana has been very difficult for me, i just cannot manage to reach at good time to mangalaratik and keep awake the whole rounds and SB class... i just can do one or other, or both very poor... like reaching 5 mins late to mangalaratik and half sleeping at some rounds or class... Thanks to the mercy of the holy names, im improving more and more, this week i havent fail to any program, i hope to reach the nicest standard soon

Formally i want to ask for your permission to go to wherever you are for your Vyasapuja, this week i will go for my passport, then if its needed i will go and get my visa, i just need your permission and blessings for this, and then i can make whatever i need to do to get this accomplished.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this letter, thank you for all the mercy you have kindly bestow upon me, thank you for all the effort you do each moment to keep on the preaching to please Srila Prabhupada, even at the cost of your own health, May Krsna allways have a special place for you.

Your dumb apprentice:

Krsna Kirtana Dasa

HpS - AgtSP. So nice to hear from you!    We don't know where our Vyasa puja will be. It is like 24th or 25th of December. More news soon.

Go ahead with your war on sleep. We have the same problem.