Hare krishnA!

10 years, 6 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj ! Please accept my humble obiansces . All the glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Maharaj, i hope you are very well! i know you are travelling a lot and you dont have much time! I only wanted to ask because I would like to have the oportunity to meet you Maharaj. As i told you before Ism from Peru but iam living in Argentina, every year I go in the summer to peru to visit my family. I know you are coming to argentina in january and then you will be in chile. i wanted to know, if you will be in peru in Lima, in February , and if so if it would be posible to meet you there?  Iam trying to organize the vacations and my familly is telling me to please go for the christmast and new year because is the time they have holidays also.  That would make it dificult for me to come back for the time you will be here in january

So in order to organize this and maybe stay more time , meaning february in peru i would like to know if you will be there and if it would be posible to meet you there.

Iam sorry Maharaj to ask you this things, is only that i would be sad if you come here and i cannot meet you and also if you go to peru and i cannot be in the same time! 

HpS - ASA - Thank You. If you go to jayarama.us/kb/cal.htm you should see the South American dates all there. If not write again.

Apart from that maharaj, one question, iam still struggling with service, i cannot find a service i can do. I feel that with doing the rounds, worshipping the deities, following the principles i have no dificulty , I enjoy it ! But finding a service i could do i having dificulty, why can this be ? 

HpS - Hmmm! I don't know. Just keep chantng and asking Krsna. It took Draupadi a long time to understand why all the things were happening to her.

I consider myself as a not very sociable person, maybe this is why ? 

Thank you very much maharaj !! I hope you are great!! Iam sorry for any offenses i could have done in this writting! 

trying to be your servant


HpS - ASA - Thank you. 4.11PM bank closes at 4.30 PM. We run!