Hare Krsna

10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva,

please accept my most humble obeisances

always in my letters i wish for you that you feel ok, for your  health, i know that really you are trascendental to all pain of this world, but anyway my prayers are with you.

i keep fighting with my material disease, and with the enemies of my mind. I been doing mangala arati some days but not regularly yet, anyway has helped me to improve my 16 rounds daily. We continue with the service of sankirtan festival two twice a month. Some weeks ago came HH Gunagrahi Maharaja with HG Ajamil prabhu and participated with us, i´ll send you a photos. I´m Trying to delegate my service because my son will be born soon, in a month more or less. so i will be helped in a logistic way for some time.

HpS - Very nice. AgtSP! You are giving your blood for him.

i am still studying with bach flowers therapy, I have had new therapeutic experiences with family constelations, do you heard about it? its been very interesting for me, even in my espiritual life.

thank you very much for your last answer, for your understanding and advices.

grateful for your mercy
Your aspiring disciple and servant

Bhaktin Fernanda L.

HpS - ASA - We don't know too much about Family Constellations but we hear that it is good. It seems nice, practical. You are on the right path. Just don't forget that you are Krsna's little girl and that He loves you very much and we have all been away from Nanda's village tooooo long.