Hare Krsna + Jung + Web

10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna
All Glories to HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to you.

Please accept my humble obeisances to Srila Prabhupada and yours lotus feet.

Dear GuruMaharaja:
        Hope this letter found you in good health.

HpS - Ha! Ha! At 66-USA years our vision, hearing, memory etc. are going. But by Guru-kripa we are dying a useful death. And your Donkey?

16 round ok, some days 20 paying delayed,  4 pples ok. 
I try to be more consciousness in my Japa, not work, searching offences to holy name to improve it ... 
I started to read "vaisnava compassion" of Satswarupa Das Goswami, and BG often.
Janmastami and SP app full of service, thanks of Gaura Nitai's mercy.
Keep helping in building of Gunagrahi Das Goswami place here in the temple. 
Not much association with devotees, only service arrangements...
And Vrindavana Viharini DD invite me to help in the offering to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.  What u think about that? I should go or my Consciousness is not prepared yet?

HpS - You mean cook for Them? It seems like it would be nice!!

Gurudeva I start to make arrangements with people of my University checking the University webpage I found a seminar of JUNG!!! 3 meetings in 3 weeks. I started to go there with Luis, he is who  organized the seminar with psychologists during your last visit. He is a great devotee to work, we go there hear the class, for be honestly I not understand many thing they talk about but Luis explain to me. We prepared your presentation with the Prof. who give the course, one of them are a important man here because he translated one of Jung books to Spanish, I made the first contact last week and tomorrow i will give them your presentation + cv + cd with your class in health centre. I asked to my senior godbrothers to help me. I´m really afraid to ruin it. If you want I can transcript and translate the seminar.

HpS - AGTSP - Please coordinate calendar with the Ambarisa Das. We posted our visiting days to BsAs in another letter to the Blog today.

The web page, autodidact way continue, but...........  Krsna is so so so so merciful and send Bktn Belén, she know about that web development!!!
Gurudeva please empower me to can make the arranges for yours conferences be successful. I know you will come here only to preach, please ask to Krsna make aside my foolishness and everything goes well.
HpS - ASA - We are trying to contact a B I G Web-designer here in Tennessee who is friend of NGD to help with the NIOS page. He wants to help. We can co-ordinate with him if Krsna wants. You all should go to school here for one year, MTSU, and get a diploma.  <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />


I not qualified to make any direct service to your feet but I'm so fortunate and Krsna give me that chance. I will make my best. I confide in my Japa will help me to improve.
In my previous letter you ask me about my goals, my goal is participate in spread Srila Prabhupada knowledge everywhere i can, go somewhere and give Krishna Consciousness to people.  I know is not possible to do it alone. Because of that I adjust to Krsna arranges to show me the better way to proceed.

inutil Please apologize my offences to your feet, hope some day can be your servant. Thanks for encourage me in Sp service. 
My eternal humble obeisances to you. Sorry for my long letter.

Your useless disciple. 
Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

pd. I attach the picture of SP chanting gayatri
pd2: In my next letter i will send u my offering to SP lotus feet.
pd3: search bottom is back! Thank u prabhu!!!


HpS - Just 134 more days until we arrive in BsAs. Thank you. You are very, very good servant! You will probably get eternal service in Sankirtan movement very soon!!!!!!!